chapter one.

843 7 2

Raven Stone

My chest burned with exhaustion as a sigh left my lips, my eyes flickered over to the wall where a small baby blue clock was hung up, the soft clicking of it turning every two seconds made me irritated as I wanted to slam my head onto the counter.

My hands flattened down the apron that I wore, making sure that I didn't forgot to tie the two strings behind my back this time. I was beyond tired as I looked around the nearly closing shop as some workers were left behind, cleaning the place out while having a little chit chat with each other while I stood in front of the counter, waiting for someone to come in and order their stuff before this could be over and down with.

I ran a hand through my hair as my feet ached in pain for running around the place, never once stopping to take a short break today as I had ran out the house really late this morning. I was currently standing in a pizza shop, it was quit popular in this location and had a decent pay for my likings, sadly though this was my third part time job of the day. I felt gross and wanted nothing more to ran back home and take a shower and slip myself under the covers and never wake up again. It was exhausting trying to get everything done in one go and run to collect the boys from their school because of the fucked up parts that we lived in.

I groaned as I remembered I still had one more job to be at before this dreadful night could come to an end. This was a struggle as I was the oldest of two boys, one being 1o while the other one was just recently turning 17, a 7 year old different between the two boys caused many fights and disagreements to appear between the kids but nevertheless they still loved each other uncontrollably. Sure they would go for each other's necks from time to time but that's a siblings things. They've been through up and downs, more downs that I would like to admit but they still tried to find the good in things from time to time for each other but it was a struggle.

Life wasn't the best ever since I ran away from him. He took everything from me, tore me apart into little pieces in front of my loved ones, he broke me beyond my limits, but I was still alive. I'm only still breathing because I live for my brothers, I live for their laughs, smiles, screams and their uncontrollable love for me and each other. Life hasn't treated me or my siblings the best but I still adore the two boys of mine like I have ever since we were little kids, ripped away from our family. I don't remember much about my past up until my teenage years or early teenage years. I don't remember the faces of my parents as much, everything's a big blur when I try to think about them and the time we spend together as a family but I felt loved whenever I have then little flashbacks but betrayed at the same time.

Life is rough and you can't be a weak if you want to live, that's a thing I've learned as I was pulled into my personal hell that he created.

My eyes squeezed together the slightest bit as pain pulled from the bottom of my feet and ripped through my legs, causing a groan to pull out from my sealed lips. I sighed, straightening my body posture as my hands held onto the counter top, gripping onto it tightly as my legs seemed to have gone numb from underneath me, from not allowing my body to take a break. My eyes relaxed as I looked outside the window at the busy street that was laid out in front of the shop.

People, more humans than supernatural, rushing around outside, pushing themselves out of the crowd that was forming on the streets in front of the many open shops. Some yells here and then could be heard under the dim lights of the street lights post, some flickering as if they were ready as ever to go off. I scoffed as no one had come down here yet again to have a look at them lights, on of them had completely gone out and the streets at this time weren't the safest places to be at as there had me many murder cases surfacing around this area but no one here seemed to care, not a surprise.

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