chapter fifty five.

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My light brown eyes that I had been cursed with were now already a pitiful dark brown colour as they where ready as ever to bulk out of their small half-opened half-closed tear stained sockets when an thunderously loud crackling sound reached my sensitive ear rang causing my body to jerk unproductively backwards in newly founded fear, exhaustion and pain washed over my bruised body as I tired to calm myself down.

The once unhurried thumbing beat of a scared heart was now staring to rapidly hit itself of my barely healed rib cage that had received the worst damage it could get from this week. The crushed heart beat of mine was beating at a very quick alarming rate that I forgot how to breath from a moment from the pain my ribs where causing me to feel. My insides felt like someone had poured boiling lava inside of myself that I was slowly starting to cough up blood but as my lips parted nothing came out of me. My insides were jerking in trepidation and suffering with each little bit of air that went down inside of myself but I couldn't get myself to move or scream for help.

My tormentor thoughts like last night started to skyrocket right through the crumpled up sealed roof as I felt the bread of cold sweat being washed over all of my worn out body from the destruction that I had faced but somehow managed to live and see another day of the life that I lived.

I tried so damn hard to pull apart my mouth to swallow down some small chunks of air into my burning bruised lungs but only caused more pain for myself to feel. I tired to contain myself badly from not passing out, again. It physically pulled to much pain for my body to even pull apart my parched mouth and breath in through my nose to get the rotten oxygen into my lungs. I had to get oxygen into my lungs or I would have to face another one of my punishments for disobeying them like always and seeing the state that I was in.

I wouldn't be able to survive anyone one of them punishment without me dying. There was no chance of escape where I lived, I was held underground where no service and no one could hear my screams for help. I was left to die but I was happy, happy that I got my siblings free from this nightmare and I, I was going to die soon and made peace with myself.

But I knew very well that my body couldnt bare to take any more hits or else i would die trying to survive out of this hell hole that I was sent to by my own mother. It's funny how one day she treated me like I was her princess and took me out shopping, we danced and laughed as we talked and the next second I was being dragged away by big men in black. I screamed, cried, trashed, begged for anyone to help me but everyone that walked or heard my screamed turned a blind eye on me as one of the men injected me with a fluid to my neck and that was the last day that I had been seen 'happy'.

My life turned into a living nightmare.

My extremely exhausted small brown eyed where looking at the dark floor, slowly lifting of the ground as they squinted together tightly to get a good look in the dark at my unsettling surroundings of mines and things that cornered around me like monsters. Huge terrifying monsters that I had come used to over the years I had stayed in this cell in, my cell.

Monsters that still haunt me every time that I looked up and around me to go away. I had never had the courage to get a better glance at my nightmares, I always backed away in fear incase of they catch me looking at them. They looked inhuman, they were monsters that destroyed kids and adults for their enjoyment. They enjoyed the pleasure of hearing others scream in pain, they enjoyed my pain and suffering because I was younger compared to the other people they had here. I was considered as 'fresh meat' where ever I went, I wished this pain would go away.

My shaken eyes darted from one dirty corner of the not liveable tiny smelly cell to the other side of the cell. The rusty gone a disgustingly brown bars held up high as they secured the lock that hung tightly onto the closed doors of the cell that I was locked behind from god knows how long now.

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