Chapter twenty eight

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Xander was repeatedly pumping his fist into a sand punching bag, his fists were wrapped up prefectly so I wasn't concerned about his knuckles at the moment. I sighed as I ignored the chaos that was happening around me as I stood up off the ground, I had been laying down for the last 15 minutes just looking over the three people that were losing their cool.

I stood up before slowly walking across the gym and towards the bag I was punching recently before I went over to go check on Ben, Xander and Asher

I lifted my hands up before standing the bag still. I threw, punch after punch, letting all the anger, sadness and guilt I had built up, out on the bag

Nothing was said as me, Ben, Xander and Ash where doing our thing in the huge Gym. I had the key to this gym, pluse Ben knew the owner of the place so it was easy for us to get in and train or whatever we wanted to do

I sighed as I heard the doors open, it was close to opening time anyways so I didn't pay any attention to the metal doors slamming shut. I hit the bag repeatedly, with my bare fist. It felt nice to feel this type of pain again, it was honestly relaxing to feel this sense of relief again

I threw another punch before stopping, letting my bruised hands fall down to my side, without me relishing blood was starting to pool out my knuckles, before it pooled down on the floor. I went a little over board 'Like you always do....' Anna sighed

I then slowly felt myself being pulled away from the bag before the person let me go. I sprung around ready to throw a punch to the intruders jaws but they caught my hand just in time before it hit them "Alex?" I questioned as I pushed myself out his arms

I looked over to see James treating Ben's side. Ben had been fighting with a trained fighter and ended up hurting his side, which made James send the fighter growls. I looked over at Ash to see Andrew wrapping his hand up in bandages. And finally I looked over at Xander to see him gone?

"Where's Xan?!" I asked, alarm bells where starting to ring around my head. Ben addurdly sat up at my panicked voice before looking all over the gym to spot Xander with his eyes

"He went to shower." Ash spoke as Andrew was finally done wrapping up his hands

I forced my body to calm down and made sure to tighten my fists to gain my vision back as I started scolding at my younger brother that doesn't take my words into his little mind. "How many times do I have to tell you two not use the dang punching bags!" Ben scoffed as James started treating his injuries again

"Many." Me and Ash both spoke at the same time before Ash turned around to sit down "What happened? Why are you all here?" I asked, directing my question to the men in the gym

Jacob shurgged "Felt like training here today." He replied, walking towards the lower body weight lifts

I nodded, popping my body down on the wooden bench, I stared up at the celling "You might wanna get your hands checked!" Ben shouted across from the gym

"Their fine." I nodded before closing my eyes. Soon after a while I felt dark shadows lome over me "What?" I snapped but opened my eyes as I got a wiff of my mates sweet mouthwatering scents. My spirts howled or cheered up in excitement and joy but Anna and Cleo decided to stay quite

Hayden bend down to my hight on the bench, picking my hands up he examined my injured wounds. I softly pulled my hands away from his large warm ones before standing up and heading towards the showering room

I stopped in front of my gym locker, unlocked it, grabbed a fresh pair of clothes along with my soap, shampoo, towel and conditioner before walking into the showers

I turned on the water to the coldest settings before stripping butt naked. I flinched but also sighed in relief as the cold water slowly drizzled down my body, washing away the blood from my knuckles and the sweat off my body

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