Chapter forty four

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Katherine and Grayson stood there in stood of me while I was left confused and shocked. My mouth was left ajar as I stared at the two with curiosity

Could it actually possibly be them or was I just hallucinating things? I don't know weather to be happy or sad, I don't know what emotions I was feeling when I stared up at the two people "Cat, Gayson?" The names I used to call them when I was young was the only thing I could remember beside some good memories of us all together, along with Moteo

Katherine looked down at me shocked before she gave me on of her famous dimple smiles, the ones she rarely showed anyone "that's me." She kneeled down beside me, looking at me with soft eyes

Her blonde hair was pulled back into a low messy bun with a few strands falling over her face, making her look way more pretty than she already was. A lose white tee with baggy blue -ripped- washed jeans. A small white half shaped necklace was tied around her neck, with 'Big Cousin' scribbled down on the necklace in cruise writing

Ash had the same necklace only difference was his was black and had 'Small Cousin' written down in cruise

"And here I was hoping you wouldn't remember calling me Gayson." Greyson grumpy told looking down at me with a smile on his lips , pulling me out of my thoughts

He was wearing a dark maroon coloured shirt with black ripped jeans, black hair sticking up at different angles as he smiled playfully down at me, I rolled my eyes

I titled my head side ways to look over at the guys to see hurt flash threw their faces and that left me confused. Where they hurt with what I had said? What did I say, other than Katherines and Greyson's old nicknames?

My eyes stared up at Andrew hopping that he would at lest give me a hint to why they looked so betrayed and hurt, but he stood up and jogged away. To do his laps around the track. James, Alex, Jacob and Derek shortly followed after him without uttering a single word to anyone

I looked at Tony and Kyle to see them continue to do their set of push ups, but I didn't miss the tear that shead down Tony's face before he wiped it away and worked on his push ups "Tony?" I questioned concerned while standing up and turning to walk to him

I heard Tony hum in response all the while continuing to do his set of workouts. It sounded like it pained him to look at this moment and that thought confused me "what's wrong?" I asked noticing how my voice went soft, in a comforting way

"Nothing," He responded stopping his push ups before quickly continuing to do them "you should start your workouts again before mom -Mrs. Stone comes back." He told

I sighed taking a glance at Katherine and Greyson who looked down at me with sympathy in their eyes. My eyes frown in confusion

Why where they giving me a sympathy look? What the fuck is even going on with the guys!? I was left confused but nevertheless got up and in a plank position beside Tony

Suddenly a thought crossed my mind and I felt guilty wash over me. I hesitated with myself if I should link my mates or not to ask them

'Hayden, Jayden?' I called out to either one of the twins after not getting a reply I sighed

I'll swing by the hospital after I handed Zach's Journal to check up on Lucas. How could I be so clueless to not ask about him, he also got hurt beside my bother

Before he got admitted to the hospital I took notice of how weak and ill the young teen looked. His face was scrunched up in pain and annoyance as Hayden stayed by his side

I saw how Lucas fought to stay fully conscious, his hands where clenched into tight fist which caused his knuckles to turn a snowy white colour. His rosey red lips was gushed open and his left check was split open with wolf marks left behind

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