chapter six

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I was woken up by hearing the faint screams and whimpers of pain coming from Zach's room which caused my heartbeat to skyrocket. My eyes widened as I heard him mumble 'help' which caused my brain to think of the worst things alive, my hands clenched as my body stiffed before I jumped out of bed.

Standing up quickly and racing towards Zach's room, making sure that I was quiet enough not to disturb Ash's sleep but quick enough to get to my older brother faster. Opening the door in front of me caused my heart to ache in pain as I say him sitting in his chair in front of his chest with his head in his hand, shoulders shaking but his knuckles pure white with cuts and bruises. The faint smell of blood lingered his room and I grew more confused as I stood to the side, not knowing what to do as I stared at the many ripped or broken objects in the room.

He looked destroyed, his room looked destroyed, he was a mess and didn't know what to do with himself.

I walked quietly but heavily into the room to make sure that he wouldn't be to alarmed to see me, he was having a panic attack or one of them nightmares again as he was studying. This is the reason why I always make sure to give them their sleeping pills or something that'll help them sleep throughout the night until the early morning hours.

"Zach." I called out softly, waking but stopping beside him where he could still see me from the corner of his eyes but I somewhat guessed that his mind would be to much of a mess right now to recognise me .

"Help her, don't touch him." He kept mumbling under his breath as his hands slammed down onto his desk and my eyes widened as i stared at the damage his body was in. His eyes widening as he stared at his hands but he wasn't looking at the bruises he was thinking of the past and it was playing out in front of him, scaring and disturbing him and I couldn't take it anymore as I wrapped both my arms tightly around him.

Wanting nothing more than to have close to my chest again, keeping him safe for a little while before he was taken away from me again.

"Everything's fine, no one's here to hurt anyone, Im here your here, Asher's here." I smoothed, ranking a hand through his distressed hair as his body stiffened into my hold before going calm, recognising who I was and what I meant to him in this state. It did break my heart when he pulled his head out of my chest and looked up at me with his eyes, they looked so drained, so tired so done. He wrapped his hands around me and tried to match his breathing to my heartbeat to calm himself down.

"Everything's fine." I kissed the crown of his head, pulling him closer to my body, trying to bring as much comfort as I could to the boy as he clenched onto my tightly. He didn't deserve all that trauma that he had to go through, he didn't need to see all that, he was only a kid and he is still is a little boy for me and my other girls. "I'm here." I smoothed, running my hand through his soft locks of hair as his head was on my chest, his breathing slowly calming down and coming out in a patterns but he was still scared. I could hear his heartbeat, thumping against his chest roughly as he gripped onto me and I just relished how much I meant to these two boys, I was there everything when we were alone.

"Raven they were-." I patted his back softly, dismissing his speech. I didn't what him to remember the past. I wish there was something I could do to erase his and Asher's memories, replace them with happy moments than the ones they went through that were filled with pain, blood, screams and so much more. I wish I tried harder to fight for my brothers but I was weak, nothing compared to the men that tore away their innocences and again I wish I was stronger for them but I couldn't do anything when I was caged 99% of the time and tore in front of them.

"You're safe Zach, I'm here with you, no one but me." I blinked back tears, it broke me to see him like this but I knew that I could do nothing but provide some comfort and reassure them that I was here to protect and not leave them. I held onto him tighter, his head lay on my chest as his eyes were wide open as he looked around him, his hands gripping onto my arm as his nails dig into my skin but I didn't complain as I ran my hand through his hair.

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