Chapter thirty three

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"Sit down!" Ben finally snapped, eyes narrowed at my head and planning my murder as I kept annoying him about random things about his mate and everything. I was moving all over the room, too hyper and not knowing what to do with that sudden energy rush.

Xander laughed, looking between me and Ben as he laid spread out on the king sized bed. He got the easier job, just sit there and not having to have Ben fuss over what I was going to wear. "Shut it Xan!" I tried not to laugh at the face Xander was doing behind Bens back, it was funny and me and him just had too much energy inside of us for some off reason

"Benny, it's not even that big of a deal, it's just a friendly date, or more than that since I'm mated to them but I don't know." I complained, running a hand through my hair, trying not to freak out over this and pretend it was just a friendly date. "Stop stressing." I couldn't tell if that was more for Ben or me but nevertheless Ben rolled his eyes and disappeared from the bedroom into the closet.

As soon as I had told Xander, Ben and Bella heard about the date thing that was happening, over a phone call they freaked out, Ben yelled a 'finally' he was all over the place that his Alpha had the balls to ask me out, while Xan had that shit-eating grin on his face with those mischievous eyes of his as if he was planing something that no one would expect. Bella, she was excited, smiling brightly while saying she couldn't wait for me to go on anyother date with them, her smile didn't reach her eyes but what am I to say to her.

"Where's Bella?" Xander asked after Ben left to find another outfit for me to dislike, he's been in and out of that place for god knows how many times now

Ben and Bella got into an argument last night and wouldn't tell either me or Xander what the hell it was out. Neither of them had spoken to each other for a whole day by now and still continued to refuse to apologise and I was curious why they even fought in the first place

"She said that she'll be here in a few minutes." I informed him as laid my legs on top of his chest to annoy him but he didn't even say anything as he stared up at the ceiling and I grew more bored with my life

"Rav- wha happened in here?" James questionable voice drew my attention to him, he was standing in front of the open door, staring at the mess his lovely mate had made. Poor James doesn't even know what he has signed up for and I giggled looking over to  Andrew and Cillian beside him, with a somewhat surprised look on their faces

"Hey guys." I dragged out lazily, waving at them with a grin petered on my face while I pointed to the floor before pointing to the closet. "That mess was caused by your lovely Benjamin Boo." James raised his eyebrow at me and I shrugged dropping myself back onto the bed, blowing the poor guy a kiss for having a chaos of a mate like Ben. He was a sweetheart, to everyone but me

I glanced over at Xander to find him sitting up on the bed, his eyes widening as he looked over at the door and I could sense that something was wrong with him. I quickly sat up as I started confusedly at the younger male as I slowly put a hand down on his shoulder to grab his attention but he was so lost as he looked past me. "Mate?" I heard Xander's dought full voice and my heart sank to the bottom of my stomach. I was in shook, surprised, shocked but happy for my best friend

Xanders hands quickly grabbed onto mine as his eye stared down at me unsettlingly. His lips where moving but something came out of his mouth, he was in shock and had stressed his spirits out about his mate. 'He's having a panic attack, tell the guys to leave.' Anna herself panicked, looking into Xander's pained eyes and I now noticed how stressed he looked and struggled to breath

I snapped my heart towards the door where three men stood as they stared between me and my friend. "Get out, please?" Andrew and James looked the most taken back as they stared at me in disbelief as I had rudely told them to go away. I'II apologies after for coming of rude later but right now Xander was my main concern

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