chapter twelve

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It had been over two weeks or over since I had become the babysitter to the Stone family and to be honest, everyone here was nice. They treated me and my two brothers so well when they came over, they didn't come over often but they came over when Mrs. Stone invited them or I asked permission to have them here for a couple of hours. Mrs. Some reminded me of someone that I used to know. She looked just like her even her attitude and behaviour all of it was the same and I couldn't help but feel lost but I didn't say nothing to her, I mean what is there to say?

I grumbled under my breath, feeling the pain from my ribs as i had gotten into a fight last night on the way back home. A gang on the street that liked to mess around with young woman that wandered around alone to night. With my bad luck I just so happened to run into them when I was having a terrible day. I put up a good fight but I didn't leave unharmed as there was too many men, weak but too many at once pounding down my throat. A stab to the thigh, I could barely feel the fucking leg anymore, broken knuckles as usual, and at least one fractured rib that was starting to heal, finally.

I made sure to block the link with my mates, not wanting them to feel the pain my body was in because it would cause too many questions. Questions that I don't feel like answering or even talking to them, they didn't need to know what was happening with me. The two men where so different from each other, it was scary but so attractive at the same time. Stop thinking like that you dumb whore!

They were both so confusing, not that I paid enough attention to them or anything but one of them seems to not take any interest me than the other one, he drowns himself in business and alcohol, busying himself from me most times. He pretended as if I didn't even exist to him, that pleases me more than he can imagine but there's a part so deep inside of me that loved the attention he would give me from time to time.

Then there's this other one.

He's more different, interesting to say the most. As soon as he gets to his club, he would stop by where I would be working at the club, making small talk with me ordering stuff from the bar so he would stick around with me longer. If I wasn't working behind the bar and was being a waitress for the night he would follow after me, keeping men and woman both away from me and I couldn't help but laugh at his behaviour. I would keep the conversation short and dry, no matter how much I wanted things to work out with them it just couldn't happened. I didn't wanting to form a bond with anyone else again. It wasn't worth it, he ruined everything for me and I couldn't find it in me to love anyone else again

I ignored the two men the best I could and just hoped that sooner or later the bond would die down, wishing it would disappear so all three of us could continue with our lives.

Anna casted a spell on me, a spell that if I ever got severely hurt they wouldn't experience the pain that I was feeling. I could be as careless as I wanted to be, if I was dying to then it would be like someone pinching their hearts for a couple of minutes and then it would go dead, they wouldn't feel the pain of their soulmate dying, only a pinch to the heart and then they wouldn't remember me, it'll feel like I never existed in their life before. The bond would break and I would be free from everything.

Brianna, Britney, Bitchney or bitch, whatever her given name was, she had been such bitch. I'm seconds away from clawing her little tongue out of her fucking mouth, so close to tearing her limps apart and feeding them to the hounds. She's nothing more than an attention seeking whore, a disrespectful little bitch that thinks she can boss me the fuck around but god help her she doesn't know me well enough. She's testing my patience to there limit now and hoping she would be saved, once I get my hands on her, I'll minder her.

She should count herself lucky for me having Rachel. My fox that is way more sensible than I am at times, she stopped me on multiple occasions from committing murder on the fake ass bitch. She was filled with plastic from head to toe that I wondered once that if I had a needle in my hand and pricked it at her fake boobs would it deflate instantly? I dint know how the fuck plastic surgery thing worked and I didn't need the feel to be like Bitchney. Fuck that I'm not in the mood to think about that woman, makes my head hurt more than it should every time she cross my mind. I somehow managed to figure out that my mates had a little daughter of their owns. I haven't seen the small girl for myself but she's supposed to be Luna if her bother doesn't want to take position as Alpha male.

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