"Oh god," I gasped, leaning into mom.

"To even try this, I have to put him under. But if I do, he won't be able to breathe on his own. Same bad results." This was absolutely horrible. 

"What'll it take?" Croaked a teary eyes Sherrif. 

"You need a respirator. What else?" Otis stepped forward.

"The tube that goes with it, extra surgical supplies, drapes, sutures," grandpa Hershel said.

"If you had all that you could save him?" The Sherrif asked. I should really learn his name, but that was the least of my concern. Wow, this had been such a great birthday...

"If I had all that, I could try," Grandpa nodded.

"Nearest hospital went up in flames a month ago," Otis said. It was true, we saw the smoke for almost a week. "The high school.."

"That's what I was thinking. They set up a FEMA shelter there. They would have everything we need," Grandpa agreed.

"Place was overrun last time I saw it. You couldn't get near it. Maybe it's better now," Otis said sadly. I could tell he had no hope in his voice but it was still a thought. 

"I said, leave the rest to me. Is it too late to take that back?" Shane said with a small smirk. His lip tilted upwards but I knew he wasn't crazy happy. 

"I hate you going alone," The Sherrif said with a shake of his head.

"Come on. Doc, why don't you do me a list and draw me a map?" Shane suggested.

"You won't need a map. I'll take you there," Otis suddenly said.

"Otis!" I cried.

"It ain't but five miles," Otis argued.

"Otis, no," Patricia said sternly, appearing in the doorway.

"Honey, we don't have time for guesswork and I'm responsible. I ain't gonna sit here while this fella takes this on alone," Otis protested. 

"It's dangerous," I agreed with Patricia. I wanted my family together for my birthday, but I knew the young boy needs this stuff.

"I'll be alright, Aurora," Otis told me.

"Are you sure about this?" Shane asked. Mom rubbed my arm in an attempt to comfort me.

"Do you even know what any of the stuff he's talking about looks like?" Otis made a good point. 

"Come to think, no." Shane shook his head.

"I've been a volunteer E.M.T. I do. We can talk about this till next Sunday or we could just go do it real quick," Otis said, standing his ground.

"I'll take real quick," Shane said.

"I should thank you," The Sherrif said, red eyes and croaky voice. 

"Wait till that boy of yours is up and around. Then we'll talk. I'll gather some things," Otis said before walking away. I looked up at mom when she removed her arms around me.

"Where is she, you wife?" Mom stepped forward to talk to this man. 

"She's heading back to the highway, should just be a mile or two pst the church to the east," The Sheriff said.

"I'll prepare a horse and go find her," mom said.

"Mom..." I trailed off.

"I'll be alright, darling. It's just a quick run into the woods." Mom turned and smiled at me.

"Just... Be safe. I don't want to lose another parent on my birthday," I sighed. She nodded and walked off with a smile.

"Happy birthday," the Sherrif spoke. I looked up at him with innocent eyes.

"Thanks," I said shortly.

"Rick," the man nodded quietly. 

"Aurora," I said looking down at the ground. 

"Really nice dress," Shane said. 

"Thanks. My daddy got it for me," I nodded sadly. 

"You looked the same age as my son. How old are you turning?" The Sherrif, Rick, asked. 

"She's turning twelve today," Otis chimed in. He had a small bag in his arms. I followed the three, plus grandpa and Patricia, out the door and towards the small blue truck. I stayed on the porch while everybody else walked past me. I knew I looked real pretty standing on the porch, and I'd look even prettier with a smile but I couldn't force myself to smile. It was such a sad moment and I didn't have my mama's comfort. I watched Otis and Patricia hug sadly. A single tear slipped down my face when I watched them drive off.

"He'll be alright, I hope." Patricia patted my shoulder with tears in her eyes. I nodded and walked inside with her. Patricia walked past me and I sat down on the couch. Not really knowing what to do, I stared off into space. With no idea how long I had sat there, I didn't know the time. 

"Rori," I heard grandpa call my name. I snapped out of my trance and looked up at him. "Why don't come wait outside and finish your flower crown."

"Okay," I nodded standing up. I smooth out my dress before following grandpa Hershel outside.


Survive The Apocalypse -- Carl Grimes Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now