Chapter 39

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Evelynn got up and leaned in top of me.

Evelynn: "What happened to spending time with your girlfriend~"

Me: "Fine you can have the day."

I whispered In her ear

Me: "But that means kai'sa gets the night."

She hugged me closer and leaned down to my ear.

Evelynn: "Fine~ I'll make sure to use my time wisely~"

She giggled and let me go I go to the kitchen and make myself some cereal.

Akali: "Weren't we gonna walk riki."

Me: "Well yeah that was the plan, but eve kinda wants her time now."

Akali: "O-oh that's fine I can just walk her my self if you want."

I smile

Me: "I would appreciate that."

She smiled back and lightly punched my shoulder before walking off. What a nice day

I make my way to evelynn's room, I knock at the door before opening it and sitting down on the bed.

Evelynn appeared next to me, she kissed my cheek before looking down at my hands.

Evelynn: "Where did you get cereal from?"

Me: "It was in the kitchen already."

She nodded and I ate my cereal in silence.

Evelynn: "Why are you eating cereal anyway."

Me: "I got hungry."

Evelynn: "Well, we haven't gotten breakfast so that is understandable."

She laid down on her side and held her head up with her arm.

Evelynn: "Darling you have something on your lips."

I hummed questioningly, she suddenly pulled me in for a kiss

Evelynn: "Oh I'm sorry it was just my lips."

Me: "That was cheesy."

She shrugged and turned around to lay down again. I quickly finished up my cereal and placed the bowl off to the side. I finally lay down next to her and wrap my arms around her waist. I blush as I remember how alluring her body really was.

She turned around to face me

Evelynn: "You're becoming really perverted y/n~"

Me: "W-what?"

Evelynn: "I've had enough people stare at my ass to know when they're looking~"

I felt my face heat up and turn red her smirk followed my blush. Her hand stroked my face softly as she pulled my head down slightly. Her other hand clutched one of mine and set it on her butt.

Evelynn: "Feel free to touch all you want~ I don't mind~"

Don't get hard. Don't get hard. Don't get hard.

Evelynn: "It's ok darling~ if you want I'll help you~"

Me: "I u-um."

She hushed me down

Evelynn: "Let evelynn take over~"

I guarded my face using both my hand to hide my blush.

She pried my hands off and straddled me. Her butt sat firmly on my member as she licked her luscious lips. Her temping eyes stared down at me with malicious intent.

Just a normal guy (K/DA x Male Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن