Chapter 38

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Me: "Spongebob squarepants!"

Captain: "I can't hear yoouuu!"

Me: "Spongebob squarepants!!!"

Captain: "Ooooohhh who lives in a pineapple under a tree."

I sang along to the theme song until the actual episode started. Man I forgot how much fun old cartoons are. Riki also happily yipped along with me.

Me: "Do you want a treat?!"

Riki spun in circles and yipped happily.

Me: "Alright let me go get a treat for you."

I scratch gently under the foxes chin until I got up to get her a treat. I headed into the hallway and into Evelynn's room. I search around for my bag until I find it. I pick up my bag and place it on the bed.

Time to find the treats

I mess around in my bag for a few moments until I find the fox treats. I pull out the treats and race back into the living room.

Me: "Riki! Treats!"

I hear the riki race by and slide to a stop next to me. I open up the bag and hand a treat to her. She happily takes it and runs off to eat it by herself. A small smile formulates on my face.

I go to put the fox treats back in my bag but I feel riki bitting the back of my shoe.

Me: "Fine, you get one more, but that's it."

Riki yips, but I handed her the last treat of the day. I run off before she could finish eating and put away the fox treats.

Evelynn PoV

I drove us to the location they sent us to. But there was nothing there,

Maps: "You have arrived at your destination."

Me: "Where the hell are we."

Akali: "No idea, you sure you typed in the address right?"

I check my phone again and confirm this was supposed to be the place. I call up the company again.

Me: "We're here and we're waiting."

???: "For what?"

Me: "I'm not here to play this shit with you today, you called us and we're here."

???: "We haven't called you, we were made well aware all of you were taking a week off."

I end the call and toss my phone down

Akali: "What happened."

Me: "Apparently they didn't call us."

Ahri: "So we wasted 10 minutes getting here for no reason."

I nod my head

Ahri sighed

Ahri: "Let's just go to the apartment already."

I start up the car again and drive off quickly back to the apartment.

At least I still have time to cuddle with my darling.

Y/n PoV

I went to Evelynn's room and put the fox treats back in my bag. I leave the bedroom and head back to the living room where riki was waiting for me on the couch. She had the ball in her mouth again. I chuckled and grabbed the ball out of her mouth.

I fake throw the ball and she goes off running. While she does that I throw the ball in the opposite direction. A few seconds later she comes back and chases after the ball where I actually threw it.

I'm distracted from playing with riki when I got a phone call. I pick it up and awnswer without seeing the called ID.


Honey I saw you in the news yesterday


Yes it's me but that's not important, is that woman really your girlfreind

Yeah she is ma

Ooooh~ my baby boy has a girlfreind

Mom I'm 18 years old

They grow up so fast, but that's besides the point, you have a girlfriend and didn't bother to tell your mother

I've just been really busy mom

Ah, well that dosen't matter, we want to get to know your girlfreind

So you want me to come home?

Well of course honey, we can't share all your emberassing secrets if she isn't in person


I hear her laughing

I'm just teasing sweetie, but do bring her over

Sure, but none of that funny buisness

Fine, fine

When would be a good time?

Any time this week works

Ok, I'm gonna need to talk with her to see when we can go, I'll call you back when I have a time

Ok sweetie see you then


Welp guess I have to deal with that now.

Riki finally came back with the ball

Me: "What took you so long girl."

I scratch under her chin and she gives me the ball.

I hear a knocking at the door, I get up and start walking towards the door.

???: "Excuse me."

My ears perk up and I turn around

A woman in a maid outfit was standing there.

???: "Sorry sir I didn't mean to scare you, I was just finish up with the cleaning."

Me: "When the hell did you get In?"

???: "Miss evelynn let me in this morning."

I hesitantly turned around and open the door.

Evelynn: "Darling~"

Evelynn wrapped her arms around me

Evelynn: "It was a fake call."

Me: "The meeting?"

She nodded

???: "Excuse me miss evelynn."

Eve turned to her and moved out of the way. I whispered to her

Me: "Do you know her?"

She nodded

Evelynn: "She does room service, I sent her here a while ago to make sure you didn't break anything and also to clean."

She kissed my forehead and let me go hmm that makes sense.

I shrugged and sat down on the couch again

Me: "Oh before I forget, do you want to meet my parents?"

Evelynn: "Your parents?"

Me: "Yeah, they invited us to eat dinner or something like that."

Evelynn: "Well I do have free time so I guess."

An evil smirk spreads across my face

Evelynn: "I wonder what embarrassing pictures they have of you."

Me: "God I hope they don't pull out the album."

She giggled

Evelynn: "Don't worry I'll only tease you for a year using those pictures and stories."

I groan and get off the couch

Me: "Akali want to walk Riki with me?"

She smiled

Akali: "I'm down."

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