Chapter 1

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No one's PoV

In a room there lays a small boy, excuse me a small man. Next to him lays a fluffy fox snuggling under his arms. The fox awakens and looks around for a few moments before it's eyes land on the boy. The fox gets up and licks the boys face.

Y/n PoV

A warm and wet feeling spreads across my face. I open my eyes and on top of me riki is licking my face.

Me: "Stop riki I'm tired I'm staying asleep."

I hear riki whine on top of me, I let out a sigh.

Me: "Let me guess you want to go on a walk."

Riki yips happily and starts pacing around me.  I groan and get up heading towards the bathroom riki soon followed. I let out a small yawn and go inside the shower. I turn the knob and the water came out. I grab a shampoo bottle and place some on my hand.

I scrub my head thoroughly and make sure to clean my tail as well. After a few minutes I step out and grab the towel hanging above me. I dry my self off and wrap the towel around my waist. After that I comb trough my hair and made sure I looked half decent. I toss the towel on the bathroom door while  making sure it was stretched out so it would dry properly.

I walk off to my drawers and open them up grabbing some clothes. I put on my favorite set of clothes. A red hoodie with some jeans along with black shoes. Clean but not too crazy, hmm I have school on two hours I can take riki out for a walk.

Me: "C'mon riki let's get going."

The fox yips and walks behind me, we walk to the living room and I grab the leash. Riki dosen't really need it she dosen't go far without me around but better safe than sorry.

I place the collar onto riki and open the door. I grab my house keys and lock the door. Aw crap I forgot my phone. I unlocked the door much riki's dissapointment. I go back to my room and pick up my phone. I once again exit the house while locking the door.

We walk together occasionally passing by a jogger I gave them a small wave but avoided talking to them. I pull up my hood and hide my ears when I notice the increase of people in the area. Riki walks around leading me to a park.

Me: "You wanna run in the park riki?"

I smile and take off the leash letting riki run around. After a few minutes riki came back with a stick.

I grab the stick and throw it as hard as I can. Riki instantly booked it and ran after the stick. Why not play a game of fox and mouse.

I sneak behind riki and spook her. Riki yelps and drops the stick. I chase riki around for a while before deciding that was enough for today.

I wistled and riki ran over to me quickly. I place the leash on riki and begin the walk home. We make it home without any issues, I unlock the door and walk inside. Riki followed behind me, I remove the leash again and she runs off somewhere. I enter the kitchen and go into one of the cabinets looking for the treats. I eventually find them and grab a small bag of fox treats.

Me: "Riki do you want a treat!?"

The fox entered the kitchen and panted happily. I lean down and give her the treat which she quickly eats.

Me: "Good girl."

I giver another along with a few pets before my alarm goes off. I check my phone and see its almost time for school. I let out a sigh and walk to my room grabbing my backpack and opening it to make sure I had everything. Did I hang my keys?

No one's PoV

Unknown to the boy at the time riki jumps inside his backpack hiding expertly between all the mess.

Y/n PoV

I head for the door readying to leave when I remember I left my backpack. I head back in my room and close up the backpack not really thinking much of it. I noticed the backpack seemed heavier but didn't really care too much to question it.

I take a step outside the cold air made me shiver. When did it get so cold I was just out here a few minutes ago. The cold breeze soon passes and I move on. The school wasn't too far away from here so I usually walked it.

I come across some more people, and notice another increase in people near the school. I pull up my hood over my head and continue walking. Eventually I reach my school a highschool to be precise. I walk across the yard and past the flag. I'm officially on school property let the day begin. I walk past some people blasting music. Man that's annoying have some respect for others.

I place in my headphones and put on some of my own music to drown out theirs. And I do mean head phones my ears can really use earbuds for obvious reasons. I walk past a bunch of my fellow students without much car for them.

That is until I run into someone I really didn't want to.

???: "Where you going dweeb."

I let out a sigh

Me: "To class sebastian."

Sebastian is the school bully notorious for being an awful person. Unfortunately since I don't have powers I'm his favorite target. Not to say I'm defenseless more like I get ganged up on if I try to fight back.

Sebastian: "Yeah whatever dweeb not get out of here before I knock you're teeth out."

I roll my eyes at his barbaric attitude and genuienly unlikable face and move on to homeroom. I take a seat at the corner of the classroom and wait for instructions when I suddenly feel movement from my backpack.

I immediately remove my backpack and open it up to see riki.

Me: "Riki why are you hear!"

I whisper yell to the fox she yips happily.

Me: "You are in trouble when we get home riki."

I let out a sigh

Me: "Stay quiet and hidden."

The fox dives back in my backpack and stays there. The morning announcements start blaring.

Principle: "Good morning students today we have a special gift for some students to incetivize you to do better."

Hmm I wonder what it will be this year.

Just a normal guy (K/DA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now