Chapter 21

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I don't know what to say, I don't know why I wrote this chapter, I don't know why I'm even writing anymore. I said I was done yet here I am.

The tender moment was short lived. After that heart to heart moment she immediately started to tease me. She occasionally nibbles my ear or tugs at my tail. I eventually get really bothered by it and stand up.

Me: "No I'm not gonna lay down and have you tease me the whole day."

She giggled and stands up next to me

Evelynn: "Relax darling, there's nothing wrong with teasing your partner."

I hmph and turn away from her with my arms crossed

Evelynn: "How about a deal y/n."

This peaked my curiosity

Me: "Deal about what."

Evelynn: "If you forgive me for teasing I'll let you do whatever you want with me for ten minutes."

A small chill goes down my spine as her arms slowly rap around me and her chin rest on my head.

Evelynn: "And I do mean anything darling~"

I stayed silent, a giant blush was covering my face.

Evelynn: "Is that a yes?"

Me: "F-fine deal."

I heard evelynn giggle and lay back down on her bed. I turn around and get on the bed, and lay down to her side. She stared at me with a smirk on her face. I blush but stay firm, I wrap my arms around her and nuzzled into her neck.

Her arms slowly wrap me after a few moments, trapping me with her warmth. Her face leans down and her lips press gently againts my ears.

Evelynn: "I give you an opportunity like this and all you want is a hug?"

I stayed quiet and remained still until I hear her giggle again.

Evelynn: "Feel free to ask for a hug y/n I won't ever deny you my cute little fox."

I close my eyes and rest in her arms while she gave me small praise and gentles kissed on my forehead and ears. My body slowly gets consumed by the warmth and my mind slowly fades out.

Akali PoV

Me: "I don't know what to do riki."

The small fox yipped and finished eating a small piece of meat I have to her.

Me: "I just broke up with my ex and I thought it was too soon to ask y/n out."

Riki trotted over to me and sat down on my lap, looking up with those adorable eyes.

Me: "Wanna go home riki?"

The small fox hopped off my lap and ran around in circles for a bit.

Me: "I'll take that as a yes."

I pick up riki and make my way back home when I suddenly got a call from ahri.

Evelynn PoV

Me: "Ten minutes are up darling."

My gaze lowered down to y/n, he was asleep. Well I guess there's no harm in letting him sleep for a bit.

I gently kiss his forehead and keep him wrapped up warmly. My phone suddenly starts ringing which woke up y/n. He groaned and turned around. I pick up the phone and awnswer it

Hey eve we have a meeting we have to go to.

What meeting ahri I thought we were all done for a while

Yeah I know but some complications came up and we have to go fix it

I let out a long sigh

Fine I'll be down in a bit but what about y/n

Kai'sa dosen't really need to come me you and akali should be good

Alright I'll go get ready

Sorry I know I said we were done for a while

It's fine but we need a vacation it's been non stop lately

Oh was there something specific you had in mind

No not really mostly just time to relax at home or maybe go out to the beach.

Yeah I'm sure we can work something out and I'm pretty sure the other two would be fine with whatever

Good I'll be down in a bit

End call

I gently shake y/n and he turns to face me

Me: "Darling some business came up I have to go."

I hear him groan and hug my hand a small smile creeps onto my face. I kiss his forehead

Me: "I won't be long darling just be patient."

Y/n: "mhmm okay."

He spoke in a sleepy tone

Me: "I'll see you later darling, I love you."

Y/n: "I love me too."

I giggle and get up to get ready

Y/n PoV

I hear Evelynn getting ready and a few minutes later leaving. I was able to hear all of what she said though some bits were a bit confusing. I yawn and stretch my limbs out until a satisfying pop is audible. Hmm I wonder what to do today, I already finished cleaning.

I got off Evelynn's bed and fix it up. I exit her room after cl among up and go to the living room where I find kai'sa sitting on the couch.

Kai'sa: "Oh hey y/n how are you."

Me: "I'm fine what about you."

Kai'sa: "I'm fine oh and here's riki by the way akali just dropped her off."

Riki jumps off kai'sas lap and runs over to me.

Me: "I missed you too riki."

I pick up the small excited fox and sat down on the couch.

Kai'sa: "How are things with evelynn if you don't mind me asking ."

A small smile creeps onto my face which dosen't go unnoticed by kai'sa.

Kai'sa: "I'm guessing it went well hmm."

I let out a small chukle

Me: "Well you were there at the table, I guess we're dating now."

Kai'sa: "Are you happy with her."

Me: "If I'm being honest I am she makes me feel safe.

Kai'sa: "I'm glad and I hope you can keep up with her."

Me: "I may not seem it but I'm use to dealing with high energy people."

Kai'sa: "What about akali do you think you could match her."

Me: "Oh yeah for sure."

What a nice day I hope it all goes well.

Was it as good as you remembered? Ah yes and I'm case you were wondering this took 4 hours to write.

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