Chapter 11

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I feel so sick right now it's unreal

I continue eating my food silently and eventually finish it. Everyone else also finished so I collected the dishes and washed them. After a few minutes I dry my hands and walk back to ahri.

Ahri: "I hope you're ready because we are leaving right now."

I nod my head and follow behind her for a bit. We reach her car and I enter the passenger seat. I buckle up and pull put my phone to mess around for a bit.

Ahri: "Hey y/n why are you always so quiet. "

Me: "I don't like talking to people."

Ahri: "Why not?"

Me: "I would rather not bother people."

Ahri: "Why would it bother people."

Me: "Why do you care."

Ahri: "Sorry I didn't mean to pry its just weird to me I'm used to talking to people constantly the quiet Is weird to me."

Me: "Its fine everyone has their own way of doing things I just prefer to do my thing without words."

She giggled

Ahri: "That's an interesting way to put it y/n."

A small smile crept onto my face, I close my eyes for about just to rest. A few minutes later ahri is gently shaking me.

Ahri: "Wake up y/n we're here."

I groan and rub my eyes sleepily, I let out a small yawn and stretch.

Ahri: "We should hurry we don't want to spend too much time here."

Akali PoV

I was walking riki around when I go to my favorite alleway to spray paint.

Me: "Riki want to see something cool."

The small fox yiped

Me: "C'mon follow me."

I walk her into the alleyway with all my graffiti. I'm surprised I haven't been arrested yet.

Suddenly I hear a voice from behind

???: "Hey babe didn't expect to see you here."

I turn around and see Tim standing there.

Me: "Oh hey what's up Tim."

Tim: "Nothing much just got done beating up a guy. "

Me: "For what?"

Tim: "Nothing he just looked at me funny."

What the hell

Me: "Oh is that so."

Tim: "Yeah I even recorded it look."

He showed me a video on his phone of him brutally beating a small guy.

Me: "Yeah that's... cool but I have to get going Tim."

Tim: "What's with the dumb looking fox."

Riki snarled and bit on Tim's leg

Tim: "Oh you fucking-"

He kicked riki away and she hits a dumpster.


Tim: "Pshh its just a dumb fox who cares if it dies."

Me: "You are a fucking monster we are over!"

I pick up riki she was whimpering and breathing weird.

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