"Apart from that, you were really upset of not getting some of your songs in the album. Nor John and Paul never acknowledged your contributions at the time. You felt bad on yourself and just decided to leave."

That, I wouldn't be surprised. Even in our early days I was always treated as just the guitarist. How bizarre that it could actually be the reason as to why we're breaking up.

"But you came back." I turned to Jude who just spoke, "You came back because just like John, you treat the Beatles as your safe haven."

The Beatles? My safe haven? My, what a mindset I was going to have.

Jude sighed once again, "It's complicated to tell the story of what made John and Paul left the group. After you told me a few stories on how they wrote their songs, it'll be depressing to talk about what made their partnership rift apart."

She's right, though. I have to admit everything is chaos when those two don't get along. They're like the glue that kept the Beatles together, now I couldn't imagine what it would be like when John and Paul really does break up.

Suddenly, another question came up in mind. "Jude?"

"Yes, George?"

I took a deep breath before asking, "What happens to me after the Beatles disbanded?"

She stopped in her tracks and faced me, "Do you really want to know that?"

This made me stop as well as I thought my question must've made her suspicious enough. Being honest, I said, "Not really. I might just end up disappointing myself."

"Well, I'm not disappointed. You're the one who's pulling yourself down. I thought you just told me to think positive?"

"Well," I hesitated at first but decided to let it out once and for all. "I wouldn't be surprised if John and Paul are going to be big themselves if they go solo. Ringo might still drum for them, but me... I probably have nowhere to go."

I faced sideward to avoid her look, "'Cause I'm just the guitarist. The quiet Beatle that nobody appreciates. I have always figured that John and Paul are the stars of the Beatles. While Ringo and I are just behind them, playing our plain ol' instruments and nothing more."

Jude's jaw dropped. "You seriously believe those stuff?" Her voice said with disbelief. I turned to her and studied her complexed facial expression.

"The moment you time travelled I thought you were so proud of yourself. You even rolled your eyes at me for lashing you on the cigarette stubs."

"That's in the past, Jude, I was sorry about that. Even then I was hiding this insecurity of mine because I know everyone knows me to be the—"

"Quiet Beatle. Blah blah blah!" She cuts me off and crossed her arms. "Don't you remember our first conversation? You said we shouldn't care about who's being labelled and what not."

I lowered my gaze and nodded, "And you told me that you don't believe in those stuff."

She nodded. "That's right, labels are nonsense. Do you know I've been called a grandma for all my life just because I wear boring clothes and listen to golden quality music? Does that affect me? No! As a matter of fact, it's actually flattering."

We chuckled at the way she waved her hands in the air. "At least your music taste is golden."

She giggled, "But really, you shouldn't let those titles define who you are. They're just words the media wanted to call you. No one knows the Beatles better more than the four of you, so don't you dare let it affect your true self or your self-esteem.

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