28 | legally blonde

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life update:

hi my friends, it's been a loooooooooong time and i know like i owe y'all an explanation. so, my school has modified our school year in response to covid-19 and as such, we're doing work coursework in a more condensed manner. Due to this, for the past two and a half months, i've been doing two courses meant to be spanned over 5 months in a much shorter timeline. and they were also difficult courses (law and bio and both of them whooped my ass). now while i did came thru on the other side, the cost was that i had to put itue on the back, back, bacccccck burner, and for that, i apologize to you guys bc that's so unfair to y'all as readers. im so so so so sorry for just dropping off the face of the world and i promise to communicate better with u guys. also, fear not, while updates may come at a snail's pace, this book IS going to be completed. im not going to write over 70 000 words and 250 pages just to give up now so we in this for the long run baby. 

on the note of updates, i do plan to write as much as possible during my april break (spring break that was pushed back from march to april bc my province hates me) so we should get something consistent next week. 

sidenote that no one probably cares about: i turned 18 a few weeks ago so legal adult now (yay!!) 

let me get y'all caught up on the last chapter so y'all can enjoy this new one:

previously on itue:

addy and rome had another date in the last chapter (which addy is still keeping a secret from her family) and since rome planned the date, they ended up going to a karaoke bar where addy performed a song for him. (t'was all very corny and give u all the feels.)

vote, comment, share if u enjoyed this chapter.

follow me here, on twitter and instagram for more updates (minnietheailen everywhere)


Laying down on my bed, surrounded by our various books on the ground as we tried to cram for exams, I noticed Tammy's growing restlessness. She'd roll over, flip a couple of pages of her textbook or notes before reaching for her phone or laptop for the umpteenth time. Which was why I wasn't exactly surprised when she kicked my side. My hand shifted, causing the short line I was drawing for my 't' to span across the index card. I sighed, rolled my eyes and reached for my white-out pen that was living on its last legs —courtesy of Tammy— to fix the mistake. However, she was insistent, and the next time I went to write again, a stray pen knocked my hand away.

I finally snapped my head up. "Girl—"

"Buh-ba-ba-ba-ba," she interrupted. "Before you say anything, I just want to know what your opinion would be to say . . . some retail therapy?"

"Tammy, we've barely made a dent in your Bio notes. If we leave, and I know your ass, we're probably not going to make it back until nighttime. And I can't help you this weekend because I got that" —I looked down at the index card before me and mumbled—thing with Rome."

She flopped back down on the bed dramatically. "Yes, I know. You're leaving me alone to wither and die under this mountain of studying because you want to play handsy and watch basketball with your boyfriend." She lifted her head a little. "Sorry, not your boyfriend, but he clearly likes you a lot, and while you want him to be your boyfriend, you're scared of liking him enough to the point where leaving would really hurt you."

"You know, you put it simplified like that, it shoulds really—"

"Stupid? Idiotic? Ridiculous? " she provided.

In The Unlikely Event [updates begin may 3]Where stories live. Discover now