Taeil felt Kun slip his hand over to his so he grabbed onto his lover, not wanting to let go.

Johnny pondered over Taeil's words. He didn't want empty promises. In fact, he planned on doing everything he promised Iseul before. It's just that... there's always something in the way for them. Whether it'd be Iseul's mom, Taeyong, or their jobs.

"I'm going to talk to her." Johnny decided.

Taeil smiled at him proudly.

"It was really nice to have you back, hyung. Even for a short while." Johnny meant that wholeheartedly.

If Bora was the brains of the Moon siblings; Taeil was always the heart of this family.

"And whatever the two of you have planned for yourselves, I hope it works out." Johnny then turned to Kun. "I wish we had more time to get to know each other but I guess right now all I need to know is that you make Taeil happy. And I'm grateful."

"Thank you, Johnny." Kun smiled at him. "I hope it works out with you and Iseul as well. You two deserve to be happy." After hearing their story from Taeil, Kun can't help but root for the two as well.

Johnny glanced down at their intertwined hands. It felt so intimate and loving. He suddenly yearned for the same with Iseul. He wondered if he asked her to run away with him and travel the world, would she say yes?

"I'll give you two some alone time." Was Johnny's way of saying goodbye. He returned to his stroll around Moon Manor, pondering over his relationship with Iseul.

"Great speech," Kun commented as soon as they were alone. "Promises and all that."

"You sound sarcastic," Taeil retorted. "I live by those words. I'm tired of my empty promises as well."

Kun smiled warmly at him. "Is that why you're so keen in running away from here?" he asked.

"I can't fulfill my promises to you if I stay here." Taeil sighed. "Plus, we planned on travelling the world, remember? Just you and me."

Kun contemplated on that for a while, his smile wavering. "Even if it means leaving your family?" he asked with a small voice.

"Kun, we talked about this. My family will always be my family. This is the first time in my life I'm doing something that I want. And that's being with you. Like entirely committed to being with you."

Taeil could count all the times he and Kun tried to make their secret relationship work. Travelling to his apartment on weekends; meeting up in the middle. Kun secret visits to Busan just so they can go on dates. It was hard to maintain but they made it work.

Kun recalled everything they sacrificed for each other, and it made him emotional. He cradled Taeil's face, pulling his lover into a passionate kiss.

Taeil stepped on his tiptoes to reach Kun's lips. He wrapped his arms around Kun's waist, holding him close.

When they separate, they rested their forehead against each other's. "I love you."


"Hey, Dad? Can we talk?" Yuta knocked on Hajoon's office door, peering behind it. When he saw his father coaxing him to come in, he entered quietly and sat on one of the chairs in front of his desk. "I want to talk to you about what you said earlier. About Taeil and Kun."

"It's already in the works. I'll make sure Taeil stays with us this time."

Yuta shook his head in disbelief. "Do you seriously believe sabotaging their relationship is gonna make Taeil stay with us?" he questioned.

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