"I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. Look, my mother told me that you got out of a difficult relationship recently and I totally get it. You don't know me at all and maybe you feel it's too soon to trust another man. What I'm asking you is to keep in mind that not all men are the same and that if you let me I can prove that to you." My eyes were focused on his and unable to speak I just nodded. Of course Ann would share the story she had made up and I foolishly let her believe it was true. Now Thomas thinks I ran away from an abusive ex. What a mess. Maybe I should just wait for Ann to return and tell them both the truth. What truth really? That the man I am in love with is a leader of a crime organization but great towards me? That his father threatened to harm my parents if I didn't disappear from his life? Nah I'll stick to Ann's scenario.

"Thank you." I managed to say after a moment of silence. Thank you for liking me? Thank you for feeling sorry for me? This was turning into a disaster and I was seconds away from breaking down. I had been doing great for the past month given the circumstances. Apart from crying I was able to control my outbursts and never came to a point where I lost myself. I was not going to do so tonight.

"I'll take that as a yes and I'll let you get some rest. Maybe I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast." Running his hand through his hair, I wondered how I hadn't seen him before. I often had breakfast with Ann since we both woke up very early and preferred the peace and quiet before the other guests came down. Not once had any of her sons joined us. Maybe they came by the days I was out. Maybe he started this new habit because of me? I doubted that. I said goodnight and turned to leave, bumping into Ann on my way to the room. We agreed to meet for breakfast first thing in the morning and when I was safely behind the closed door of my room, I finally breathed freely again. What a day!

The following morning Ann was .... Well her usual self. She kept asking me about the trip and if I enjoyed Thomas' company. I kept rolling my eyes at her, explaining that she should stop trying to set us up because we were both grownups and if something was meant to happen, we would just have to wait and see. That stopped her momentarily but my relief was short-lived when Thomas appeared in the distance. Ann commented on how he never joined her for breakfast and how he really liked me. It was the first time she had seen her son trying to impress a woman so much, she pointed out before kissing my cheek catching me completely off guard. As I was watching Thomas walking confidently towards the dining area, another handsome man who had tried to impress me, not only with his acts but mainly with his words, invaded my mind. My mood significantly changed as soon Marco's face came to my mind. He knew exactly what to say to make me feel good. I was always amazed by his ability to see right through me, to understand how I felt in certain times and react accordingly. No words were needed sometimes; a simple look was enough for him to know what I was thinking. He made me feel strong, reminding me of my value every so often. He made me feel important, beautiful and desired. He made me gain some of my self esteem back after stupid Jack had ripped that away from me. He was great for me in every way possible. I was so ready to let him in and try to be happy with him. Why did his father have to come to my apartment that night? How did things get so out of hand? How could he make me feel like he did and then forget me in just a month?

"Good morning ladies! I hope you slept well." Thomas kissed his mother softly on the cheek and instead of doing the same to me; he kissed the back of my hand and settled on a chair next to me. We finished our breakfast and when I told them that I would be heading out to buy some things I needed, Thomas offered to handle the inn so Ann could accompany me. I just wanted to buy a new phone and maybe some summer clothes. Since Ann was not a woman who you could say no to, I smiled and took up her offer.

Shopping with Ann was a nightmare. We stopped at every store available not only in Norton but in a neighboring city as well. We should have more options because we deserved the best and nothing less, Ann said when I started complaining. I was running low on cash, so I had to use my credit card for all the purchases I made. I got my new phone and number, some new clothes and a pair of sandals. Ann insisted on buying me something for my birthday and after at least two hours of trying to change her mind, I gave up.

A fairytale without  name (Rose and Marco)Where stories live. Discover now