"Welp" he mumbled, shrugging his shoulder when he saw that it was already a few minutes pass ten. An outing was going to have to wait, he thought before darting his eyes back down to the report he was reading before he got carried away again by a few papers he spotted in his peripheral vision, that was stocked on the left side of his desk.

Shuffling a few papers aside his thick and perfectly arched brows furrowed in concentration as his brown orbs fixated on the words on the paper he was lowly reading, taking the words in and mumbling to himself on how much of an imbecile people are when they try to trick him by swaying him with words, meaningless words at that too. He shook his head and scrunched the paper into a ball before throwing it into the trash can he kept open by the window that had an amazing view of downtown Manhattan.

It was no surprised that people were always out to get him, trying to sabotage his perfect image with measly rumors out of pure jealously, too envious of the name he made for himself at the young age of twenty-four. Demetrius Jean-Pierre was alot of things, all good things of course.

Smart, Intelligent, Dominant, Handsome, Young, Successful, Rich, Ambitious, Sophisticated. Being a few adjectives to use whilst describing him.

Demetrius was known for his streak of making, breaking and setting world records, his latest making headlines all over the world, whether it be on the front page of every newspaper outlet in the country, the cover of forbes magazine or in the Guinness world record as the first youngest black self-made, multi-millionaire in the world.

Not only was he young and filthy rich but he was also dubbed as one of the most handsome bachelor there is in the world. He stood at 6'3, with a lean and muscular physique. High structured and well defined cheekbones that made him look noting less to an Adonis, with dark and rich mellinated skin tone to match his sharp features.

And an almost neatly aligned colgate white teeth to compliment his panty dropping smile that never failed to disappoint the ladies when he smile that gorgeous smile that makes every women faltered in their steps and  their knees to leave quaking.

In other words the man was a walking, talking and breathing sex machine; literally, metaphorically and figuratively.

With all that being said he was still a man, a male species that was noting less to a hungry dog being starved of his daily meal, tell him he had to save the world by settling down with 'one' woman and Demetrius still wouldn't budge; because in his opinion, settling down with one-woman is the same as the ending of the world.

He didn't find commitment to women plausible at his age anyway, claiming that he was too young for any of that.

A knock sounded off on his office door causing him to snap his head in the direction to see who it was, he frowned when the person behind the door didn't enter after knocking. Until he realised why they didn't and chuckle at the memory, it was his latest policy he set about 'knock and wait for his permission to enter'.

"Come in" he shouted when the person knocked on the door again.

A mop of 4C curls was the first thing he saw in his dimly lit office; his lamp being the only thing illuminating light, before he could make out the persons feature from the light in the hallway that was filtering into his office. It was his assistant Nicole Otieno, a tall and slender black woman with her kenya heritage shining through her features and  semi hour glass figure with skin tone as black as midnight and a shimmering dark blue in the moonlight.

"Nicole, why the hell are you still  here? I thought I told you to inform the others to leave early today" he said checking the time on his watch for the fifth time, "And by everyone that includes you too, so again, why are still here at quarter to eleven at night?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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