Chapter Thirty-Five

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I think it's safe to say that I had my hopes up there with the very tip of Everest, coming into Ivy Cordelia. The friends that I'd made back in Glenwood were quickly cut off, because in my opinion, I'd be too busy with all of the new friends I'd make to keep up with them. I expected to walk in and take over, but things were going the exact opposite way of that for me. 

"Skylar, I know you mean well. But right now, I kind of just want to be left alone. I appreciate what you're trying to do, and I had a good time last night, but adding someone else into my social circle isn't the right move for now".

I stare at the paper in my hand, horrified at what I was seeing. All of the Glenwood students were sent progress reports, and seeing how my grades were stuck at a low D- high F average terrified me. I had NEVER done this bad in school. It used to be so easy for me to mess around and get a good grade without even trying. 

While applying for school's, everyone told me that an ICBS C-average was every other school's valedictorian, but I never believed it. I underestimated the amount of work that needed to be put in just to exist here. And the fact that you weren't reminded to do your homework, or come to class, showed me that I wasn't as mature and responsible as I thought.

Every student in the Alpha houses truly had earned their place. You couldn't live there, previous to the Glenwood invasion, if your report card wasn't a consistent line of A pluses, in all advanced classes. My classes were far from advanced, yet I was still pulling bullshit out of the magician's hat. 

Standing out here felt like wearing chain mail armor while attempting to tread water in quicksand. It was weird how in other school's, working so hard on your grades made you a nerd, but made you IT here. 

And while I threw my grades to hell, deciding to put all of that effort into my social experience, I was still on the outside looking in. There was no place for me in any of the cars to come back home from the cabin. Unfortunately, I hadn't known that as I dragged my suitcases outside, realizing all too late that they'd all gone ahead of me. 

No place didn't mean any room, just to be clear. I waited outside in the cold for an hour for a driver, before arriving back at the school to all of my clothes packed up and sat in the foyer of AC.

"I said OUT, remember?" Nastassia asks from the top of the stairs, purposely knocking over one of the trash bags that my clothes were stuffed into on her way out. 

Hire a moving company, she did. Why did I think she'd do any less?

I spent the rest of that day dragging plastic bags through snow to the Gamma dorm, and unpacking them into what felt like a tiny closet space. Still, it was larger than the one's at Glenwood. 

My roommate is an ICBS original, with an Audrey Hepburn-esque style and a killer makeup collection, named Vera. Who, for the record, wasn't very interested in me, in any way. As soon as she introduced herself, she left to hangout with her extremely hot lacrosse playing boyfriend. 

I learned that his name was Kai when she spent the entire night, from twelve until three, calling it out after she snuck him in through the window. And then I was woke up at seven to her shaking me, informing me of an unscheduled assembly that had me sitting in Du Pont hall at eight, more sad and angry than I'd ever been.

"I know that all of you are confused as to why you're here, but I have some important news to share that couldn't wait until our regular meeting time. One, progress reports have gone out to all of our martians. They'll play a huge factor in what I'm about to announce to you all, today. 

In what has been in the works since Glenwood was first closed, the Daley clan has taken over ownership! These past weeks, they've been doing slight construction and hiring amazing staff, working hard to whip the school into better shape.

After winter break, it will be ready to open once again, renamed as Stryker Boarding School! Solei and Niko are following in Ivy and Cordelia's footsteps, and couldn't be more excited to begin their journey. 

Only ten percent of students from Glenwood have reached the grade requirements to remain a student here, and have the choice on whether they'll remain at ICBS, or start a new journey at Stryker. For the rest of you, after the break, you are to return to your old stomping grounds! You don't have to disclose to anyone if your leaving is by choice or not, and they aren't to ask.

If you have any questions about anything, I'll be happy to meet with you and talk you through any of the things I've said today. That's all I have for now, so proceed to your classes and have an amazing day" she says happily, as if she didn't just tell me to get the hell out of her school for lowering the grade average.

I look around at all of the other faces in the assembly, able to tell who'd be leaving to Stryker by the sick looks on their faces. I wondered if mine looked like that, too. Just as I have that thought, my eyes land on Nastassia who winks at me. "Out" she mouths, blowing me a red lipsticked kiss.

So, yes, I suppose it did.

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