Chapter Eighteen

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On Family Day last year, my mom showed up for the first time ever at that kind of thing. I didn't know she was coming so there was no way I could be prepared for the visit. If given a full year head start, there would still be no READY for the storm that is Annika Petrov. She comes in, nitpicks and criticizes every single part of my life and then leaves, another suitcase full of insecurities and mommy issues as her parting gift.

According to my ice cold mother, I should snatch in my waist, tone up my legs, buy a personality, have better grades and test scores than anyone in the world EVER, and at the very LEAST, be engaged to Armani Hendrix. She met him, his mom and sister that day and proclaimed that we'd end up together, happily married for the rest of our days. Told me that, if I couldn't make her laugh, then that was the least I could do. 'You're bland, Nastassia. Where the hell is your funny bone?'.

I did the cardio and the yoga, worked extremely hard on my GPA and watched comedy movies until my eyes started to bleed. I think, maybe, they injected a little bit of funny. But, although I crushed on Armani, I never really DID anything about it. I never made an effort to get into a relationship with him, because I was scared to be rejected. My parent's had done it my whole life. Why wouldn't he?

Cason Jett had asked me out, so I didn't have to worry about it then. And I broke it off with him when things were getting a rocky, so he couldn't do it to me. But Armani never approached me, so I would have had to do it myself. And I just couldn't.

"Nastassia, darling, it's been EON'S".

Just like that, Family Day had rolled around again, and so had she. "Mom, Hello! I didn't think this would be happening today. You know, with all of the new students". She grins, the sun glinting off of her ice white hair and unnaturally white teeth. She looked amazing and smooth faced as always, wrapped in a white fur coat and made even taller than her 5'11 by matching white pumps. 

"Oh, it wasn't supposed to. In fact, they sent an email, that I ignored. I haven't seem you since the last time we did one of these things, so I figured I'd come. One parent can't wreak too much havoc".

On my mental health, she could do plenty. I was sure that she would. "Mom, I came home for the summer" I tell her and she rolls her eyes, picking up a strand of my hair and studying it with a look of disgust. 

"Those ends are a horror, Nastassia. And I'm sorry, dear, you know how much you blend into the walls. That's what happens when you're as interesting as a blank sheet of paper. But, at least you've got the guy. Where's Armani? I can't believe the two of you have been dating for four months already. I'm excited to see him".

I list to the side slightly before regaining my balance, clenching my hands so hard that nails dig into skin. I HAD told her that. And yet, he was around here somewhere, making out with Selah Stryker. All because I was too scared to just walk up to him and ask him out.


I was going to faint. Black dots were already dancing in my vision and I couldn't come up with any sort of response. But she wasn't looking at me, at all. Something over my shoulder had piqued her interest. Whatever it was, she looked furious. 

"Tell me, Nastassia, what is Armani doing holding hands with that Daley heir? But, they're coming this way, so I guess I'll ask for myself" she says, stepping around me. 

Oh God. I couldn't move. Even my mouth seemed to be out of operation. And I was so hot. WHY was it so hot. 

"Armani, WHAT a pleasure. And Selah, I saw your parents at a gala just last weekend. They showed me a beautiful picture of you, but I have to say, it did you absolutely no justice. You ARE stunning".

My body was failing me. Out of everything that could possibly happen, why was I chosen to be tortured. Did I deserve THIS. Oh, I definitely did, but couldn't it wait for at least a little bit.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Petrov. Selah, this is Nastassia's mom" he introduces. "You can just call me Annika, dear. I hate formalities, unless they come from Armani, of course". The eerie calmness in her voice was a measure of just how angry she was. It was at a nine on a ten scale, right now. "Nice to meet you" Selah responds.

"Nastassia". Grayson comes out of nowhere, shaking my shoulders. "What's wrong, Stas?' he asks softly, concerned. 

"Tell me, Armani, how long have the two of you been dating?" my mom asks and a look of understanding passes over his face. He KNOWS just how horrible my mother can be. And then, "Help". I finally get my mouth to work and he nods, walking around me to where my mom is. 

"Hello, Mrs. Petrov. It's been forever since I've seen you". "Too long! How's your mom?" she asks, pulling him into a hug just as I get myself to turn around. Diversion successful. Selah pulls Armani away with a simple look from me and I let out a breath of relief.

She absolutely would have confronted him about the fact that he was supposed to have been dating me. She has no boundaries. I mean, she'd even go so far as to show him the text messages in her phone that I sent full of lies about our dates. But, this way, I'd simply tell her we broke up and make sure they never saw each other again for the rest of the day. Happily talking to Grayson, she forgot about it for at least a little while. 

She's known him since a baby, his mom her best friend since middle school. We grew up together and were always expected to date until him and Peyton had their relationship. Granted, it was for less than two weeks and Pey kind of jumped the gun with the L word. Still, I've been obligated to hate him ever since. 

They were happily chatting away while I stood there, trying to get my breathing back to normal. After a couple of minutes she turned to me and announced that she was going to check on my grades with the Dean. I was more than happy to see her go.

"You okay? What happened?" he asks gently. I shrug, doing a quick scan of the quad for Peyton. 

"I kind of told her that I was dating Armani". He studies me for a moment, and I feel as if under a microscope.

"Why? He's a great guy, but there are other great guys if you just look around. Pick any one of them, Peach, and they'd date you in a heartbeat". 

Peach. He used to call me that when we were kids, since I was her every time we played Mario Kart. We would always role play- me as Princess Peach and him as my loyal servant who'd do anything for me. He never complained, no matter all of the crazy stuff I got him to do.

"Yes, but my mom likes Armani. She never approves of anything or anyone. Only you, at first, and now him. Plus, I told her that BEFORE Selah even got here". I decide not to mention the nickname, to keep things from getting awkward. "I'll see you some other time, though. Thanks for saving my ass back there. I really appreciate it". 

He salutes me, eyes like glowing emeralds in the sun. 

"I know".

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