Chapter Nineteen

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"So, girls, how does a weekday party sound? To make it even worse, a weekday COLLEGE party, when everyone is forbidden to leave the school grounds and we have to steal a staff's keys to do so" I ask.

We had all taken to doing yoga in the dance gym since they found out that I had the key. In lotus pose for the last forty-five minutes, we talked about everything under the sun.

The topic went from skin care, to Elliana's bad date, horrible murders that we've heard about, and the time Peony was almost hit by a train without any kind of awkward pauses in between.

" the absolute worst thing we could possibly do tonight. So I'm IN" Taylor says excitedly, perking up at the thought of it.

"I've never even BEEN to a college party before. How'd you even get invited? Or even hear about it?" Elliana asks.

"My brother, of course. We were practically joined at the hip as kids, but I haven't seen him since I got back. Soooo...what do you guys think?".

"I'm thinking we'd be really rude if we didn't go. You know, for the sake of your relationship with your brother whose name and age is..." Peony trails off, making us all burst out laughing.

"His name is Ace and he's seventeen" I tell them.

Every single persons eyes in the room light up like fireflies.

"That decides it then. We're going to the party and I call dibs on Ace, because if he looks anything like Selah, he's gorgeous" Kennedy says, standing up on her mat.

After five minutes of them bickering about TAKING TURNS with my brother, I clap my hands loudly and they turn to me, still in combative mode.

"Here's the plan".


"It's a beautiful night, isn't it, Dave?" I ask as I pass the guard that I see every night on my late trips to the dance gym. He knew that I had permission to be out after curfew, and didn't find my gym duffel full of party clothes out of the ordinary.

"Yes it is. Quiet nights are when I enjoy my job the most. Besides when I get to see you, of course" he says with a grin.

I fight hard to keep the grimace from showing on my face. Ever since I'd jokingly told him that I liked a man in uniform, he's been making flirty comments every time he sees me.

The only reason that I wasn't absolutely terrified to walk past him at night, was because of the fact that I could scream and alert practically everyone on campus if he ever tried anything.

"I actually need a favor from you" I say and he smiles, taking a couple of steps toward me. He doesn't get close enough for me to feel panicked, so I stay where I am.


"I may have lost the key to the dance gym. I'm sure it's just in my room somewhere, but do you think I could borrow yours for today? I feel kind of stressed and I really need to dance it all off".

He takes the key ring from his waist and I reach for it before he can take the key off for himself. "Thank you so much. You're the best, Dave" I say, quickly searching for the key that I need and pulling it off.

"No problem. Are you sure you don't want me to walk you there" he asks as I pass him back the key ring.

Deep breaths, Selah. Everything is okay. "No, thank you. I'm perfectly fine to walk there on my own. I'll see you later, though" I tell him, forcing my shaky legs to walk away instead of run.

I should've been nervous seeing the girls sneak around the back of the building as we talked, but I was fearing for my life instead.

My fight or flight was still triggered being alone with guys. And definitely by old, sleazy, muscular men who flirt with teenagers.

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