Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Grayson's cabin, or what we used to call Peach's castle, held a lot of history for the both of us. His dad bought it for him on his twelfth birthday, and we spent that entire week here by ourselves. That sounds insane, and it really was, but it was one of my favorite moments in life.

We'd been being left home alone since the age of ten, so it wasn't strange when his mom dropped us off and left to go and pick up his cousins. Insanely enough, there was a blizzard, leaving her and anyone else unable to come back with us.

The kitchen was well-stocked with food, and the back up generators kept us with heat, so we weren't in any danger. I remember being terrified after playing games in his room for hours and hours, when I realized that she never showed back up.

He told me that he was sure everything was fine, and tried calling her, but the service was completely out. Like the brat I was back then, I started crying my eyes out.

He cheered me up by suggesting that we build a fort in the living room, where we cuddled up underneath a fluffy blanket and watched movies on his laptop until I fell asleep.

In the morning he showed me all of the snow outside, which was too thick for us to open the door, saying that the blizzard was the reason his mom couldn't get back to us.

We were free of our parents, he'd cheered. His excitement was contagious, so I couldn't help feeling euphoric about it as well.

Imagine two twelve years olds having access to a 5000 square foot cabin all to themselves. Since it was his cabin, it was full of things that any child would love.

We spent the week bowling, watching movies in the theater and stuffing ourselves with the popcorn and candy that lined the walls of the room. We even role-played as if we worked in the theater, taking turns making the popcorn and slushies.

The gym was a place of many adventures, pretending as if on the treadmill, we were running from bears. There was a huge rock climbing wall, and obviously, we were ACTUALLY climbing mountains on it.

A lot of excitement, came on that third night, when we spotted a huge bear outside that we gave the nickname Bowser. We spent the rest of the week pretending as if he was coming to steal me away for marriage, so Grayson had to be by my side at all times.

In between being my savior, he played chef and I acted as his sous chef, making grilled cheese for every single meal of the day. Somehow we never got tired of eating them, seated on top of the dining table, a random board game between us. There was even a miniature go kart track in the basement, that took up a lot of our time.

He never failed to make sure there was something to do when I was starting to feel scared, making me laugh until my head hurt with the most idiotic jokes. He tucked me in at night and kissed me on the forehead just when my eyes were starting to close, like my dad used to do.

At the end of it all, we even got to be on TV several times throughout the week after that, dazzling the world with all of our adventures.

Now, though, Grayson wouldn't even look at me. In fact, he found any reason in the world not to be in close proximity with me. I'd been having fun, spending the first hours on the advanced ski slope with Kennedi, Taylor and Rhys.

He decided to spend his time on the beginner slope with everyone else, even though every other person except for Selah had skied before. What HAD she done, really?

Luckily, I sprain my ankle on the slope trying to show off in front of Taylor, forcing him to visit me in the ski resorts infirmary. "You did this on purpose didn't you? I would've spoken to you eventually, Nastassia. There was no need for this" he says, settling gently on the side of the bed. I laugh, giving him the finger.

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