Chapter Twenty-Six

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P- I told you today that I knew you, but I was wrong. You're so much worse than I thought. I can see why your mom hates you. You ruined my life, Nastassia. And one day, you're going to ruin yours, too. I'll make sure to help you with it. That's what best friends are for.

I was happy to be getting away from ICBS for a little while. People kept looking at me as if I was a monster, which I probably seemed like to them. I'd kissed my best friends boyfriend and then went on to get her expelled when she found out. Some of that was TECHNICALLY true, but they'd never understand what really went on. Mainly because I wasn't going to tell them. I needed them to think of me that way.

Along with the looks, I've had doors opened for me and people offering to do my homework just because. What I really wanted to escape from was seeing her every single place that I went. It snowed an inch today, and all I kept thinking about was us huddled up with our hot chocolates on our way to that assembly. Things were so different now. 

Grayson had left quite early to get the cabin ready, so I was excited to leave and finally get to talk to him about what happened. He didn't ask, which was surprising. He'd have usually sent a text asking if I was okay, or wondering what went down, but there was nothing. 

Heading out into the quad now, I shove down the jolt of sadness I get, seeing the twins and their group of girls making snow angels just outside of the CA building. Their laughter the perfect soundtrack to all of the students having a snowball fight and attempting to build snowmen even though there wasn't enough snow to work with. 

"What's that suitcase for?" Kennedi asks, getting up from the ground and dusting the snow from her clothes. "Blake invited me to come to the cabin with you guys. I figured there was enough room" I explain. "Blake, huh? You never gave her the time of day before you got Peyton kicked. I'm surprised she's not gone, too, since she helped create that thing with Skylar. I guess you'd have no one if you did that, though".

She didn't sound malicious or angry at all. But the matter-of-fact, detached way she said it hurt more. Adding the fact that she was right about her assumption poured vinegar in the wound. "I'd like to change that, Ken. I miss hanging out with you and Ell. Things got really weird without you guys".

There. I'd actually done it. I put my feelings out there for the world to see.

And she laughed in my face.

"Seriously, Nastassia? Peyton sent us screenshots of everything you've said behind our backs. And not just us, either. EVERYONE in our friend group got a text. I'm sure Blake got one, too. She just doesn't care because she's finally at your side where she wants to be. You can come to the cabin, but it won't be with us. Not even Grayson. You've truly lost the sweetest person we know, once and for all. That has to hurt".

That's why he's been M.I.A. I'd never even voice the things that I said about him in my messages with Peyton. Or the ones about anyone else. I reached levels even lower than hell with the stuff I said, and she sent it out for everyone to see. 

That's what best friends are for.

Kennedi laughed in my face like I meant nothing to her, so I'd show her why I should. 

"Do you remember that night sophomore year when you got so drunk that you couldn't remember anything the next day?" I ask with a cold smile.

"I think you answered that question for yourself" Selah dead pans.

I laugh, pulling my phone out. "I could jog your memory, you know? You talked A LOT that night. While I washed your hair and helped get you to bed. I bet you forgot about that part. Do you want me to show you the things you said?".

There's fear in her eyes, although the hard set of her mouth doesn't change. She could be angry all she wanted, but I'd always have the video.

"And you too, Elliana. Did you forget about the time Kennedi went on vacation without you? You run your mouth a mile a minute when you're sad. I could remind you, too" I say as soon as she opens her mouth to give her two-cents. 

"You recorded your friends in their lowest moments?" Selah asks, stepping in front of them protectively. 

As if that'd do anything. 

"Of course I did. But I could always delete those recordings. You know, if we could go back to being friends and put all of this mess behind us. I'd be happy to do it" I say with a bright grin.

I had back ups of them anyway, but they didn't need to know that.

"We never were your friends, according to those texts. Why are you pretending like we were?" Kennedi asks angrily, folding her arms over her chest.

"Things will be different this time. We'll be REAL friends now. I'm tired of fighting with you guys".

"Maybe we should, Ken" Elliana suggests.

"Yeah, Ken. I miss learning things about you. This time around you could tell me JUST how you got into ICBS".

She took it as the threat that it was, realizing one of the things she'd told me that night.

"Yeah, Ell. I kind of missed having her around" she says with a scarily genuine looking fake smile.

Atta girl.

"I missed having you guys around, too. This cabin trip is going to be fun" I say happily, ignoring the looks Selah, Peony and Taylor were giving me. 

Snake, Peony mouths.


They'd have to warm up to me eventually, right?

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