🛹💜 Guilt 💜🛹

Start from the beginning

Miya Chinen

"Hey.. Miya-" Reki's voice cracked, more tears falling down his face. "I- I brought you a cat stuff animal... cause you- you use to love cats.." Reki wiped his tears away. "I- I also brought you a game. Remember, we- we use to play Mario Kart... you'd always win and- and call me a s-slime..." Reki had to stop talking for a minute, he was crying too much now.

"I- I also made you your skate-skateboard but smaller..." Reki couldn't bare looking at the head stone anymore, he looked down at the stuff animal. Crying more and harder.

He moved to the next grave. Pulling the bag with him, once he was in front of the next grave more tears filled up his eyes.

He pulled out an apron. The apron was folded neatly, looking as if it hadn't been picked up in a few weeks. The red head gently placed the apron down, his hands started to shake again. Next, he pulled out a ring box. Inside was two rings, he pulled one ring out and placed it down. He then pulled out the fingerboard, placing it down next to the ring. After placing the objects down he looked up at the head stone which read:

Kojiro Nanjo

"I-I'm sorry, Joe! Y-You were right, I- I don't wanna be a-alone!" Reki cried out. "Me and O-Oka found the rings.... I know C-Cherry w-would have s-said y-yes...." Reki looked down at the the ring box which contained the other ring.

They were wedding rings. Joe was going to propose but never got the chance. The rings were golden, one had a sun engraved into it while the other had the moon engraved into it. Joe's ring was the one with the moon while Cherry's was the one with the sun.

After a few minutes of him crying, he moved over to the next grave. He grabbed the other bag he came with. He pulled out a calligraphy brush, putting it right next to the head stone. Next, he opened the ring box, pulling out the other ring and putting it next to the calligraphy brush. He then pulled out the fingerboard. After placing the objects down he looked up at the head stone which read:

Kaoru Sakurayashiki

"H-Hey C-Cherry. R-Remember when we all w-went t-to the b-beach? A-And w-when you and M-Miya tried to s-scare me? Yeah, I-I do too... I-I'm sorry...." Reki cried out, his eyes were already red and puffy from crying too much.

And now, the last grave. The one that breaks his heart. But all the graves break his heart, but this one breaks it even more.

He moved over to the next grave, pulling out a picture, a small bento box and a finger board. He placed the object next to the head stone, his hands were shaking even more. The red head slowly looked up at the headstone which read:

Langa Hasegawa

Reki cried even harder just looking at the headstone. "L-Langa! I-I'm sorry! P-Please c-come b-back! I-I need you! I-I never even t-told you h-how I-I felt!" Reki cried out. He looked at the picture that was placed next to the head stone. It was a picture of him and Langa, they were both happy. They had the biggest smiles on their faces, a smile Reki hasn't worn since he heard what happened.

"L-Langa... I-I'm sorry! F-For the argument, f-for avoiding y-you! I-I'm sorry! C-Come b-back!"

Reki dug into his pockets and pulled out a picture. It was a picture of the whole group while they were at the beach. They all looked so happy, Reki wanted to be this happy again. He wanted his friends back.

"P-Please... g-guys, c-come back! I-I need you. I-I miss you a-all. I m-miss S-Shadow, I miss M-Miya, I miss J-Joe, I m-miss Cherry and I miss L-Langa!" Reki cried, his tears falling into the picture.

Ever since he found out what happened to his friends, he's never been the same since. He became a shell of himself. He gave up skating, he got rid of all his boards. Reki couldn't look at them without being reminded of his friends.

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