Chapter 34 // Blaise = dead ~ Draco = dead

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Hermione's POV

"I was telling you the truth yesterday Wren, it's nothing big" I'm lying again

We're walking from the great hall to our DADA class with Astoria, Millicent, Draco, Goyle, Crabbe, and Blaise.

While Astoria and Millicent are talking about boys and ignoring us everyone else was surrounding me and pestering me with questions about yesterday

"We know you're lying, you shouldn't keep anything from us, we're supposed to be best friends"

I forced a fake amused laugh, hoping they would think it was real
"you're being ridiculous now, I'm not lying what reason would I have to lie exactly?" I looked at them all, my eyes lingering involuntarily on Draco for longer

"We don't know, that's the point sis" I rolled my eyes and pushed open the door to our class. the large room looked a lot better than last year

Last year there were at least a hundred different portraits of Lockhart whereas now there are only a few portraits of couples practicing spells

"and are these our last students to join now? Yes? Good, if you could Ms?..." our apparent new professor pointed at me as he walked down the stairs from his office

"uh, Zabini sir"

"Ms. Zabini could you close the door please?" I nodded and turned around to close the door then joined Draco, Blaise, and Wren by the arched wall

Now that I got a closer look at our new professor I saw the details of his face,

it looked like it had been pretty gruesome to go through whatever this man had gone through.

He had scars all over his face, claw marks by the looks of it, and his clothes were quite dirty and shaggy nevertheless he had a grin plastered on his face

"bring it in would you filch?" he called to the back room, filch staggered in, dragging a large wardrobe with him, the wood made a lot of noise with its scraping on the floor.

Once he had set it down a few meters away from my classmates, they had gathered in front of it, he limped away

"yes, thank you Mr. Filch" he called to the caretaker "intriguing isn't it?" I wondered what he was talking about until I noticed the wardrobe was now wobbling and shaking by itself right before my eyes "would anyone like to venture a guess as to what is inside?" the only thing that could be doing that would be a-

"That's a boggart that is" a Ravenclaw answered before I could finish my thought

"very good Ms. Payne, now can anybody tell me what a boggart looks like?"

"no one knows" I jumped and looked toward the noise, she was definitely not there a few seconds ago "boggarts are shape-shifters, they take the shape of whatever a particular person fears the most that's what makes them so-"

"so terrifying. Yes. Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart, let's practice it now" some people began to remove their wands from their pockets

"uh, without wands please, after me: Riddikulus!" everyone repeated this, I, on the other hand, learned this a few weeks ago

"very good, a little louder and very clear Listen Riddikulus" he announced a little louder, once again everyone repeated

"This class is ridiculous" Draco muttered

"he coulda heard you say that" I whispered

"do I care?"

I rolled my eyes, he has an attitude problem

"very good class, now, you need to force it to resume a shape you find truly amusing let me explain. Uh, Neville will you join me please?"

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