Chapter 21 // finally admitting the feared

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Hermione's POV

"you better win this Draco!" I shouted behind my shoulder

It's the first and most waited-for game of the season; Slytherin versus Gryffindor, me and Wren were just walking away from the huddle of Slytherins on the team

"you think we're gonna win this year?"

"Yeah, we've been practicing a lot and with Draco on the team, we are definitely gonna win; he's always amazing at quidditch on our pitch at home"

Half an hour into the game and Gryffindor had 30 points while Slytherin had 90


I heard that Draco's father was in the stands too and sure enough when I glanced at the teachers stand, there he was with his white long hair in the wind and his cane, the one I've seen the result of what he's done with it on Draco more times than I can count, merlin I hate that man

Out of nowhere, a bludger was chasing potter, he raced through the stands, dodging everything he could. but when he came flying through the Slytherin stands, he whizzed past me and I felt something fast hit me, before total blackness

next thing I knew I had woken up in the hospital wing


I heard scuttling of clothes and turned to see Blaise and Wren standing by my bed

"what the hell happened" I sat up, a little too quickly, my head started spinning

"you were hit by a bludger and you fell to the floor from the stands" I hissed in pain when I touched the back of my head

"that sounds embarrassing" I chuckled lightly and took in my surroundings.

Potter was laying on a bed diagonally in front of me with his fan club surrounding him, and when I turned my head I saw the familiar platinum-haired boy in the bed next to me

"Draco what happened to you" I knew there was nothing really wrong, he was using his fake hurt voice

"I fell"

I snorted at his answer
"you fell? Seriously-" once again I was interrupted. What is with people and interrupting me?

"oh stop whimpering Mr. Malfoy you can go, Ms. Zabini I'll be with you in a moment" Pomphrey rushed to potters bed and said something about regrowing bones

"What happened to potter?" Wren glanced to the raven-haired boy who was drinking skeel-gro

"remember that bludger? Well it hit his arm, he broke it, and Lockhart tried fixing it but it ended up with him having no bones" makes sense he is a- word I probably shouldn't say

"ah" my head was still pounding and sharp pains were reverberating through it

"ok Ms. Zabini you need to stay overnight to let the potions mend your injuries but by lunch tomorrow you should be ok" I nodded as Pomphrey scuttled off to treat her other patients and soon enough I fell into my world of dreams


A few hours later I woke up to voices speaking from potters bed, I pretended to be asleep but strained my ears to hear

"you made that bludger come after me?!" whoever he was talking to was the one who fixed the bludger? But who is this?

"dobby feels most aggrieved sir... dobby had to iron his hands" dobby? Who's dob- DRACO'S HOUSE ELF so I can't hex him for getting me hurt then... what? Ok, I hate muggle-borns yes but I see how Lucius treat the poor elf and I do not agree with that. at least my family pays our houself's well and looks after them.

Dobby started talking about death threats and house elves slavery before I heard a loud bang instinctively after the elf disappeared I whisper-shouted to potter

"pretend to sleep!"

As soon as he had lain down McGonagall, Pomphrey and Dumbledore walked inside levitating... a boy No, no, no... not yet, It can't be happening yet!

"there's been another attack" Dumbledore's voice sounded surprisingly calm considering the situation they are in

"I think... do you know I think he's been petrified, Madam Pomphrey... perhaps he managed to take a picture of his attacker" McGonagall sounded terrified. There was a pause before a small explosion which I assumed came from the camera he was holding

"what can this mean Albus?" it means that-

"It means that our students are in great danger" you too Dumbledore?!

"What should I tell the staff?" oh merlin, no we better not go into a lockdown

"the truth, tell them Hogwarts is no longer safe" was it ever? I mean you had a three-headed dog last year, LITERAL VOLDEMORT, and a tree that tries to murder people

"It is as we feared Minerva the chamber of secrets has indeed been opened again"

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