Chapter 26 // the second message

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Hermione's POV

Instead of dwelling over the fact that I just had some kind of vision of what was happening with the remaining duo from the trio (yes that makes sense) I ran up the stairs, hidden by a disillusionment charm to the second corridor.

"as you can see, the heir of Slytherin has left another message" McGonagall and all the other teachers had rushed to the corridor outside of myrtles bathroom "our worst fear has been realized, a student has been taken. By the monster! Into the chamber itself"

I looked to the other side of the corridor and noticed two boys- not just any though, Potter and Weasel, merlin they sneak around nearly as much as I don't they?

"The students must be sent home I'm afraid this is the end of Hogwarts" a big-headed blond prat- fine, Lockhart strutted confidently towards the other teachers

"so sorry, dozed off. What have I missed?" he was way too giddy for his own good by now, how I would love to wipe that smile off his face with a certain hex-

"a girl has been snatched by the monster Lockhart, your moment has come at last" if you get him to 'defeat the monster' your all gonna die, you need Potter.

Speaking of Potter and Weasel bee- wait I like that nickname I'm gonna use it- any way I'm going off-topic

they had seen me

I raised a finger to my lips to make sure they shut up.

When I got back to my surroundings McGonagall was telling Lockhart that he's gonna deal with it

"very well, I'll just be in my office getting..." packed so you can leave us here like the scardey cat you are? "getting ready" mhm

"who is it that the monster has taken Minerva?" Pomphrey asked

"Ginny Weasley."

Weasels eyes widened with horror; I knew something like this would happen eventually but I didn't particularly want it to be now

When the Professors walked away I got a clear view of the bloody wall

'her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever'

"holy shit... Potter, Weasel here!" I whispered and beckoned them to my corner, the charm had worn off

"what- why are you- what are you doing here?" Potter stuttered, Weasel was too busy staring at the wall to care about anything else

"oh, playing quidditch," I said, my tone dripping with sarcasm

"doesn't look like it from here"

I sneered at his snarky response "no dumbass, go to Lockhart, tell him he needs to help" his face contorted with confusion

"how do you?-" I pushed them both forward

"never mind how I know! Just go, Quick!" without another word they both ran

"they better save this damned school" I muttered walking back to my dorm


"Draco" I breathed as I walked into the common room and saw he was the only one left sitting on the sofa

"yes?" he looked up from his book "it happened, it 'took' the girl Weasel, potter and Weasley went to Lockhart, if everything went the way I hope it did, they should be on their way to Myrtle's bathroom by now" he nodded and closed his book

"I can't go, my father might find out" it took me a minute of thinking it over before agreeing

"Yeah, your right, see you in a bit" I ran out before I heard him call my name

"Hermione? Just- just don't die ok?"

"I won't" I turned back around before he called me again

"and don't do anything stupid"

"When have I ever done anything stupid?" he gave me a skeptical look "alright, alright"

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