Chapter 18 // the Slytherin~Gryffindor feud continues

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Hermione's POV // September 7th

"What are these mione?"

We were in greenhouse 3 waiting for professor sprout and putting on our gardening dingy brown robes

"they're mandrakes" I and Draco glanced towards each other in recognition of what the certain plant might have to do this year just then sprout walked inside the glasshouse

"good morning everyone" she greeted in the usual fashion

"good morning professor sprout" everyone in the greenhouse chorused

"Welcome to greenhouse 3 second years now gather around everyone" we took a step closer to the plants "today we are going to re-pot mandrakes  who here can tell me the properties of the mandrake root?" she picked up a large pot with leaves protruding from said pot "yes miss Parkinson?"

"Mandrake or mandragora is used to return those who have been petrified to their original state it's also quite dangerous, the mandrakes cry is fatal to anyone who hears it" okay then

"Excellent, 10 points to Gryffindor" they got enough last year they don't need more "now, as our mandrakes are still only seedlings their cries won't kill you yet but they could knock you out for several hours which is why I've given each of you a pair of earmuffs for auditory protection, so can you please put them on right away"

each of us reached forward and put on our earmuffs, god we look stupid

"Now watch me closely... you grasp your mandrake firmly you pull it sharp out of the pot" it started screeching horribly, it sounded like a cat getting run over but 10x worse "and now dunk it into the other pot" she put the squealing plant inside another pot "and pour a little sprinkling of soil to keep him warm"

Longbottom passed out

"Longbottom's been neglecting his earmuffs" we sniggered at him, it's not hard to put earmuffs on

"no ma'am he's just fainted" the Scottish or Irish, I really can't tell, Gryffindor corrected

"yes, well just leave him there" she waved a hand dismissively "on we go, plenty of pots to go around. grasp your mandrake" we did as she said, "and pull it up!"

once again we followed her orders and instantly there were about 30 different screeching cries filling the room one by one, everyone else looked grossed out, and Draco thought it was funny

But that idiot next to me decided to stick his finger in its mouth, in reaction, it bit down on him, as soon as he got it out of the little beast's mouth he glared at it

"you're a mong Draco"

"shut it Zabini"


"if you weren't such an idiot maybe you wouldn't have broken it!"

We're sitting at the Slytherin table, we were eating breakfast in the great hall, Wren and Draco were bickering, again

"it's not my fault that you decided to snap it and blame it on me"

she faked an amused laugh "you 'used it' and broke it! it's new! You can't do that and not take the blame malfoy"

I sighed in frustration

"I did n-"

I interrupted my arguing friends "Guys! Can't a girl eat in peace? Seriously, Draco, just apologize, and Wren, you can buy a new one they're not that expensive, or I can lend you one, it's a quill for merlin's sake" they were still glaring at me but I offered her one of my quills and she stopped

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