Sugar Pie Honey Bunch

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42 days left until Extermination...

"Hello, Charlotte," Charlie's ex boyfriend said, as he stood in front of the group as they walked inside the hotel's lobby.

"S-Seviathian?" Charlie questioned still in shock to see him. "Why are you here?"

Seviathan advanced closer only to be stopped by Vaggie, who continued pointing her spear at him. "I saw the radio demon's little show, as did everybody." He answered. "You're still doing this ridiculous redemption nonsense?"

Charlie frowned, looking at him. "It's not nonsense! I believe that it can really happen!" and pointed at Niffty. "She proves it!"

"One sinner is not enough to prove anything,"

"Well, how about these two!?" The princess gestured towards Angel and Husk. "They're still a work in progress but they're getting there! Pretty soon they'll be redeemed like Niffty!" Seviathan laughed.

"I see that you haven't changed a bit," Charlie said with arms crossed. "You're still the same egotistical, pompous jerk!"

Seviathan stopped as he tried to catch his breath. He smiled. "And your still the same sweet, naive, daddy's little apple," However, the prince paused for a moment, thinking about something then he looked back towards Charlie. "Charlie, please, come back to me. I'm sorry-"

"Don't!" Charlie immediately cut the prince off. She glared as she narrowed her eyes at Seviathian. "You made it perfectly clear that you never wanted to be with me." She hissed. "Even your sister said so and she doesn't even like me. Besides, I'm already with someone." Her eyes began to grow into slits, growling. "Now, I want you to leave." Seviathan down and picked up the bouquet of flowers holding it out towards her.

"At the very least think it over-" Charlie grabbed them from him and was now pushing the prince out of the lobby then shoved him out the door.

"It's over, Seviathan." She replied then slammed the door hard right in his face.

40 days left until Extermination...

Two days have passed since the incident with Niffy's and Charlie's ex. In the bathroom, Anna was standing in front of the mirror brushing her teeth. However, a strange pain made her stop. She looked into the mirror and opened her mouth only for a tooth to fall out as it landed into the sink. Her eyes widened in shock as she covered her mouth then looked back into the mirror. In place of one of her tooth was a sharp razor like tooth like most demons she had seen. Great, now she's losing her teeth! What more is she going to lose?!

Anna sighed and walked out of the bathroom heading down to the lobby seeing Charlie and Vaggie. Maybe it was just her imagination, but Anna had noticed that Charlie has been acting strangely, well stranger than normally.

"Uh, hun? I thought you were going to throw those flowers away?" Vaggie asked. Right in the lobby, there was the bouquet of flowers sitting in a vase that was placed on a stand.

"Well, I thought they would help liven up the room a little!" Charlie explained. She had a strange look in her eyes. "It was very thoughtful of Seviathan to do. I'll have to thank him later. Better yet, I'll call him now, and met him in person!"

Soon after, Alastor, Baxter and Niffty walked over towards the group.

"How's it going ladies!" Alastor greeted them.

"Okay, I guess?" Anna answered unsure.

"What do you mean?" Niffty asked.

Anna glanced over at the princess seeing her now humming as Veggie tried to talk to her to get her attention, but it wasn't working. Anna whispered gesturing over to the princess.

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