According To Plan

45 1 0

61 days left until Extermination...

Charlie was just outside of the management room as she leaned against the wall, waiting. She nearly jumped as the door slammed hard with Lucifer walking out.

"Dad, where are you going? How did it go? Do you know of a way to return the human back?" She asked.

"Ask the wretched thing yourself." Lucifer growled. "This whole thing's been a total waste of my time. I'm leaving." Just as the fallen angel was heading towards the door to the hotel's entrance, Alastor was leaning against a pillar, smirking, while playing with his fingers.

"Leaving so soon, Luci?" He mused, chuckling slightly. "I didn't think that one pitiful human would manage to get you to lose your nerve." Lucifer immediately paused turning his head towards the red demon with a strange dark grin on his face. He slowly began to advance towards him.

"Alastor, how wonderful it is to see you." Lucifer said. "Still hanging around with my daughter and her silly hotel?"

Alastor, unfazed with how Lucifer was staring intensely at him, reached up to pet the snake in the demon's hat. It hissed and almost bit Alastor's fingers if he hadn't pulled away in time. Alastor laughed.

"What can I say? She's quite the entertainment that I've needed in a long time!" Lucifer grin began to grow more sinister as it got bigger.

"See that you stay out of trouble. We don't want to have another incident, do we?" Lucifer replied. Alastor rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm only here to "help" out the princess' hotel plan, for it to succeed." Alastor said, smirking evilly. "I haven't forgotten our deal." He held out his hand towards Lucifer, waiting. Lucifer took it shaking the radio demon's hand. The two demon's eyes glowed red, with devious smiles on their faces.

"See that you do." Lucifer nodded, smirking, then heading towards the door and exited. "I'm looking forward to our next chat, next time."

As the door closed, Alastor was still standing where he stood when an shadow appeared next to him, that looked like him. The shadow laughed menacingly as Alastor made a dark grin.

"We still have much work to do old friend."

Charlie opened the door to the room for management walking in, seeing Anna standing in front of her.

"So how did it go?" The princess asked.

"Not so great." Anna replied. "But, I believe I've found a way to get out." Charlie's eyes widen in shock as she walked over to the human woman.

"You do?! What is it?" She asked, taking Anna's hands excitedly, holding them.

"Your dad told me that there's a book that can open a portal to the living world, with it I can return." Anna explained. Charlie felt her heart stopped as she stared at her silently as she bit her lip. She didn't want her to leave yet. It was so soon. There was something about Anna that even she couldn't explain to herself what it was. Charlie had a feeling that the human was the key to her plans for the hotel.

"But, I don't know where the book is at the moment. Your father said that it was stolen." Anna frowned, disappointed. Charlie felt relief in her chest, sighing. Good, this may work after all. The princess wrapped her arm around Anna and placed her hand on Anna's shoulder.

"Well, I'm sure it'll reveal itself and you'll be able to go back." Charlie smiled, leading Anna out of the room. "Until it does, how about you help me with the hotel?" Anna's eyes widen.

"What do you mean help? Do you mean your redemption plan?" She questioned. Charlie nodded.

"Yes! I don't know why, but, I have a feeling that you were here for a reason. Otherwise, why would you be here?" The princess answered, continuing. "So far nothing's worked for me with the plan. If you have any ideas, I'm willing to listen! Anything will help!" Anna stared at the princess for a minute, before she spoke.

"Okay, I'm in." Anna said, smiling and laughed. "only to see the look on your dad's face when your plan succeeds." Charlie happily squealed and crushed Anna in a tight hug.

"You don't know how much this means to me! Thank you!" Anna groaned.

"T-That's great! B-But, it's going to be kind of hard to help if I can't breathe!" Charlie eyes widen and she immediately released her. She smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry, I've forgotten how fragile humans are."

Suddenly, the two felt the floor beneath began to shake, like an earthquake then they heard an loud explosion went off that sounded like a bomb. Booom!

Anna jumped, looking at Charlie. "What was THAT?!" She exclaimed. Charlie groaned.

"That's just Baxter. Sounds like another failed experiment." Anna stared at her, confused. Experiment?

"What do you mean by that, Charlie?" Anna asked.

"He's helping with my redemption program." Charlie replied. Anna stared at her with an disturbing look.

Then almost immediately, Vaggie and Alastor came running up towards the two girls.

"Did anyone feel that?" Vaggie asked. "Are you okay, hun?"

"I'm fine, Vaggie." Charlie replied.

"Who is Baxter? And why haven't I've seen him?" Anna asked. Charlie smiled.

"Oh yeah! You guys haven't officially met. I'll take you to him. Let's go!" She said, as the four walked away. "He's always in his room, like a hermit, and never comes out."

Lucifer was now sitting in his chair in his office. He muttered and cursed under his breath, furiously, holding a throwing dart in his hand. In front of him was a small imp strapped to a spinning wheel, trembling. He threw it and the dart landed near the imp's head.

"What's gotten you so tormented, angel wings?" A female voice asked. A woman was sitting in a chair, reading a book until she closed it placing it in her lap. "That's my job." Lucifer glanced over at her. His eyes dropped slightly as he felt his heart nearly melt at the sight of her. The woman was tall and had pale skin, long blond hair and silverish eyes. She was also wearing a pearl necklace on her neck and a dark strapless dress with slits on the side and long gloves stopping halfway up her arms. She was still beautiful as the day he first saw her even with the horns that were cursed on top of her head. It was his wife, Lilith.

She stood up as she placed the book on the arm rest of the chair and walked over to him, sitting in Lucifer's lap. She took his hat off, with his snake that was sleeping on it, and placed it on the desk. She began to play with his hair as she pulled Lucifer close to her chest.

"It is very unlike you to get so worked up like this." Lucifer sighed as he inhaled her scent. It relaxed him, smelling like apples and lavender. Lucifer placed his hands on Lilith's waist, gripping it tightly with his claws nearly digging into her skin.

"You'll never believe this. Our daughter is keeping a human pet at the hotel!" Lucifer shouted, irritated. Lilith laughed.

"Well, you know her fantasies. She is curious about them." She smiled. Then Lilith pulled away and began to rub Lucifer's rosey cheeks in circles. "Almost reminds me of another certain rebel that I know."

"Who?" Lucifer asked, oblivious. Lilith frowned. He really was like his daughter. Both ignorant and possibly naive and prideful in every way.

"You." Lilith replied as she slapped his head. Lucifer chuckled. He pulled her in closer and kissed her. Lilith returning it more passionately. Lucifer pulled away, sighing.

"You always did have a way with words, my darkest star."

"Honey fangs."

"I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE! JUST KILL ME ALREADY!" The imp exclaimed, still spinning in the wheel. Lilith picked up a dart and it's mark right in the center of the imp's head, killing it.

"So tell me more about this human staying at Charlotte's hotel?" She asked. Lucifer raised his eye brows staring up at the demoness in front of him.

"Why do you want to know?" He questioned. Lilith made a mischievous smirk.

"I want to meet them, of course!"

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