Love Hurts

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Alastor and Anna walked down the crowded street of demons walking past them. The radio demon held his cane in his hand while he had his arm hooked around Anna's as the walked. The sound of the Alastor's footsteps clacked on the pavement as they did. The demons shot a fearful glance at Alastor and quickly scurried along, while some quickly ran and hid as they took cover. They were hiding in trash cans, running back into their houses and apartments, even jumping and crashing through windows of random stores and houses that weren't theirs, just to get away.

Anna stared with a baffled look on her face seeing the scene in front of her. She noticed that they all had terrified looks on their faces as the demons took off from the mere sight of Alastor. Anna slowly turned her head, glancing over to the radio demon beside her as they continued to walk, seeing him completely unfazed with a smile still plastered on his face. Why does he always smile? Anna continued to stare taking in the radio demon's appearance. Despite his foreboding demeanor, she couldn't help but feel a little attracted by how entrancing he was. Her eyes paused when she noticed that he had dark circles around his eyes, which appeared to be from lack of sleep. Alastor's gaze slightly shifted looking down at the woman. Anna quickly looked away.

"Is he an insomniac?" The girl thought to herself. "So he doesn't sleep? I wonder why?"

"This is boring!" Alastor suddenly spoke, making Anna nearly jump, startled. Then he snapped his fingers and grinned widely. "Why don't you entertain me, dear? I know! Tell me about your life up there!"

"Well there isn't really much to tell. I live on my own. My parents died when I was really young. My mom was killed by a drunk driver and my father was mauled by a bear in an unfortunate hunting accident." Alastor silently listened as they walked. Anna stopped when she saw a rose bush and plucked out a rose, holding it. She let out a gasp as it suddenly began to wilt away.

"How?" She stammered in shock, staring at the flower as it decayed in her hand, watching the petals blow away. Alastor chuckled, amused by the look on her face.

"What did you expect, my dear? You're in Hell. There's no life here, only death." The radio demon stated.

Anna continued and smiled, sadly. "My life's not completely sad. At least, I have my boyfriend." Anna heard a sharp screech of a record followed by static. Confused, she turned her head to see Alastor with an strained smile on his face.

"So you have someone?" He asked. Anna smiled and nodded.

"Yes, which is why I have to get back. He's probably worried." She said.

Alastor smiled, darkly. He reached out and grabbed Anna by her cheeks. "How can someone innocent like you not be tainted already?" He questioned.

"What?" Anna asked, confused.

"Hey, Alastor!" The two heard several voices call out. They turned their heads.

Anna blinked and her jaw dropped slightly. She gasped in shock with a horrified look on her face. In front of the two, were three demon women, who were kneeling over a dead body of a demon that was ripped to shreds. Anna couldn't breathe as she stood speechless at the sight in front of her. They were eating it's corpse.

"Morning ladies!" Alastor smiled and winked at the three women, greeting them. All three of them sighed. Anna rolled her eyes.

"Care to join us, Alastor?" One woman smiled, holding a severed arm, munching on it. Anna shuddered and quickly hid behind the radio demon.

"Another time, ladies." Alastor replied. He pulled Anna out from behind him, presenting her to the three women. "I'm showing this dame here the sights." All six eyes stared at the human woman with a hungry and envious look in their eyes.

"Toodles!" Alastor shouted as he pulled Anna away by her wrist, walking away.

"Let me guess, you're popular with the ladies down here?" Anna replied, sarcastically.

"Yes, indeedy! They all want a piece of me!" Alastor smiled as he nodded. "It's quite amusing, really!"

"Why is that?" Anna asked. Alastor smiled as he turned to her.

"They can never be with me or have me. That's what's funny to me!" Alastor grinned darkly as he chuckled. "You see, I'm not attracted to anyone. I'm not interested in having any relationship or sex."

"You're awful." Anna frowned. Alastor turned to the human beside him turning his head sideways, intrigued.

"It's kind of sad, really. I mean, who can resist your charmingly good looks." Anna murmured softly to herself. Her eyes widen. However, Alastor heard what she had said. His smile began to grow wider.

"What?" He asked.

Anna's eyes widen. "Nothing!" She quickly dismissed, wanting to change the subject.

"Where are we going anyway?" She asked.

"We're going to pay a visit to two friends of mine!" The radio demon grinned.

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