Alastor's Game

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63 Days until Extermination...

Alastor opened the door to the hotel, only to be met with Charlie as she bombarded him with questions. Vaggie glared at the radio demon with her arms crossed standing behind the princess.

"Where's Angel? What happened?! Why is she unconscious in your arms?!" Alastor smiled in amusement at the princess continued ranting hysterically.

"The answers to your questions are: 1. I haven't seen him, and 2. She's just a little worn out by the excitement. I'm going to put her to bed." Alastor said as he walked past Charlie and Vaggie carrying Anna in his arms. The two looked at each other before looking back at the radio demon. However, Alastor came to a pause as he stopped, seeing someone sitting in a stool at the bar. A dog demon with red and white fur and red spots was drinking a glass of wine. Alastor narrowed his eyes at her as he flared his nostrils up with disdain.

"Who are you?" He asked with a strained smile on his face. Charlie walked over and introduced the dog demon to Alastor.

"Al, this is Crymini. She actually just showed up at our doorstep while you two were away. She's going to be an participant in the redemption program! Isn't this amazing!" Charlie squealed happily.

"I don't talk to dogs." The radio demon stated.

Charlie eyes widen at the Alastor's curt rude remark. he continued walking, ignoring the wolf demon as he walked past her. Crymini growled, baring her teeth angrily as she glared at Alastor as he walked away, carrying the human.

"Alastor!" The princess scolded but the demon was already out of ears reach.

Anna groaned as she slowly began to open her eyes. As she did, she was met with a pair of red ones staring right back into hers.

"What did you dream about?" Alastor asked.

Anna screamed as she shoved the demon back, scrambling as she sat up in the bed. She narrowed her eyes, glaring at the demon sitting on the bed with her.

"Get away from me!"

Alastor laughed. "I'm afraid that's going to be impossible, darling. We made a deal, remember?"

"Yes, I did. You saved me and it's done now." Anna said. "Now, leave me alone." Alastor laughed, darkly. Anna didn't like the sound of it as she stared at him.

"You don't know how deals work do you?" Alastor made a smug grin as his pointed his finger at the human. "Yes, I did save you and completed the task. However, you belong to me now." Anna's eyes widen. Alastor grinned more and continued. "You are now in a contract with me. Once you fulfilled your life in the living world, the day that you die, your immortal soul will belong to me." Alastor grinned darkly as he fixed his monocle, looking at Anna dead straight in her eyes.

"GET OUT!" Anna snapped, angrily. Alastor's eyes widen as he sat still, looking at her. An eerie radio static emitted from him. "I don't want to hear another word from you!"

"Sweetheart, calm down. There's no point in getting worked up.-" Alastor was cut off by Anna.


Alastor hummed to himself as he stared at her then shrugged his hands. "As you wish." He said. The radio demon stood up and walked towards the door, closing it. Anna shoved her face into her knees, wrapping her arms, as she sat up in the bed and cried. She wanted to leave. She want out of this Hellish place. Back to her boyfriend...She wondered how he was it how he was coping without her.

"Chris, I miss you..." Anna whimpered.

However, as Anna cried, at the other end of the closed door, Alastor was still standing in the hallway, as he rested his back against it. He covered his face with his hand grabbing his hair tightly. His antlers began to grow slightly as the lights in the hallway began to grow dimmer. Multiple Voo doo symbols began to flicker around him. He was furious. How can one silly girl cause him to get easily worked up?

Why? He did not know. It frustrated him to no end. Alastor felt his the corners of his lips almost begin to drop, almost turning into a scowl.

Hours seemed to have passed as Anna sat in the bed until she heard a small scratching sound at the door.

"Go away." She murmured sadly. But the scratching from the door continued. She frowned and looked up staring at the door. Anna got up as she climbed off the bed opening it.

"I told you to leave me alo-!" However, there was nobody there. She peeked out looked around the hallway but saw nothing. Then she looked down and her eyes widen in surprise to see a small pink pig with black spots and horns on the top of his head. Anna squealed with delight and scooped up the little swine in her arms.

"Where'd you come from, cutie patootie!?" Anna cooed as she scratched the pig on his belly. It snorted in content and snuggled into Anna's chest. The human smiled as she continued to let the pig until she saw a collar around the swine's neck reading, "Fat Nuggets."

"So you're name's Fat Nuggets?" Anna asked. The pig let out a small squeal as if answering her. Suddenly, he began to squirm in Anna's, wanting to be put down. As Anna placed Far Nuggets on the floor, he began to scurry away but stopped and looked back towards her as if he wanted her to follow him.

The pig led Anna down the hallway a couple doors down until it stopped in front of a door that was slightly ajar. Fat Nuggets pushed the door open with with his head, opening it and walked inside the room with Anna following behind.

"You're a smart piggy aren't you?" Anna asked as she smiled, walking into the room.

She blinked as she looked around seeing a couple of wigs sitting on the dresser and large mirror, an ashtray with some used cigarettes in it. She blushed and her eyes widen in surprise seeing a box marked with sex toys that was filled with certain types. Anna quickly looked away. As she turned her head Anna saw Fat Nuggets laying down on the bed looking at a picture in a frame that was sitting on a small table next to the bed. She walked over and sat down and picked up the picture frame looking at it. It was a picture of Angel holding Fat Nuggets as they were posing. Anna felt her chest began to grow heavy as guilt began to face through her mind.

Suddenly, a loud buzz, nearly scared her, breaking her out of her thoughts. She looked and saw a small cellphone on the dresser and picked it up. On the screen was the name, Cherri.

"Hello?" Anna asked answering it.

"Who is this? Where's Angel?" Anna heard a woman's voice on the other end answered, confused.

"He's with someone named Val." Anna replied. She heard the woman curse angrily on the other end before she spoke.


"Angel and I had this limo chase after us, which I assume was Val. We took cover in an alley but was cornered. Angel gave himself up. But, he told me that he will be fine. That this Val was nothing to worry about." Anna gritted her teeth remembering Angel's screams as Val assaulted him.

"Nothing to worry about-" Cherri answered in disbelief. "WHAT THE FUCK?! You were there, why didn't you help him?!" She screamed, angrily. Anna flinched. What could have She done? Even if she tried to help him, she would have been killed. Who was she kidding, she was a coward.

"Great! Now I'm going to have to go over to the Studio and blow the place up and save his stupid ass!" Cherri's voice muttered, irritated.

"Studio?" Anna questioned. "What Studio?"

"It would be the place that Angel would be with Valentino." Cherri explained. "Damn it! If that bastard does anything to him!-"

"Is there anything that I can do to help?" Anna asked softly.

"You've done enough. Considering, how it is your fault that he got captured to begin with!" Cherri shouted, angrily. Anna cringed.

"Please, I want to make it up to him! He helped me, now I want to help him! What can I do!? Where can we meet?" She pleaded.

"You're at that stupid hotel, right? I'll be there soon. Don't keep me waiting." Anna heard Cherri answered before hanging up.

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