Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now

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59 days left until Extermination...

"I can't believe it!" Charlie exclaimed. Alastor and Husk walked over to the group and talked to the cyclops demon.

"Your theory worked!?" Baxter questioned, still shocked.

"Well, partially, anyway," Vaggie commented.

"Yeah, why is she still a demon?" Angel asked.

"Maybe, there's something else that's still keeping her here?" Anna said.

"But, what?" Vaggie asked.

"I don't know." Anna answered, shrugging her shoulders. "I'm not exactly an expert." Charlie smiled.

"Well, I'd say it's progress. Nobody have managed to make anyone get this far!" She said, happily, almost crying. "Oh, that reminds me-" the princess reached for something her pocket and pulled out a cellphone.

"Here, I want to give you this," Charlie said holding out a Hellphone For Anna. "That way you can stay in touch, if you ever need anything!"

"Uh, thanks?" Anna replied, taking the phone from her.

"We need to tell everybody about this! I'll call up Katie Killjoy and set up another appointment-" Charlie was about about to dial in her phone when Vaggie stopped her. The moth demon placed her hands on the princess's shoulders.

"Hun, I think you're getting ahead of yourself," Vaggie said. "Remember, what happened last time? We are going to need more proof, if we're going to win anyone over."

Alastor stepped up with a strange smile on his face. "Ladies, I have an idea," Everyone turned to him, listening.

"Let's have a show, advertising the hotel, of course, and Niffty as our poster gal!" He explained. "I'll even broadcast it live!"

Charlie beamed, jumping up and down, excitedly. "That's perfect, Alastor!" She exclaimed.

"And that's not all! We'll have Anna here, sing as well," Alastor said, gesturing to Anna. Anna's eyes widen in shock.

"WHAT?!" She shouted. "I mean, why me? Can't you do it?" She stammered, nervously.

Alastor smiled. "Well, I've figured that since YOU helped out our little Niffty, you can have the favor of presenting!" Alastor "Unless, you'd be more comfortable singing with me, as a duet?"

"Please, do it! It'll really help the hotel's status!" Charlie pleaded. Anna sighed.

"Okay, I'll do it," She answered.

"Great! I'll swing by Mimzy's and let her know!" Alastor said, walking away, leaving.

"I'll make some fliers and posters!" Charlie shouted, with Vaggie following behind, heading to the management room.

"I guess I'll go freshen up, before the show." Anna murmured. She walked away, up the stairs, heading to the bathroom. She walked into the room and pulled her shirt over her head and shimmied out of her jeans and shoes. Anna headed towards the shower, turning it on and stepped inside, closing the curtain. She happily sighed, feeling the warm drops of water fall on her. However, waves of nerves and anxiety soon began to cloud her mind.

She was going to dancing and singing in front of an large audience. What if she messed up? What if she embarrassed herself? What if Alastor does something weird to her?

Anna blushed as she shook her head. What is she thinking about him for? She has a boyfriend for pete's sake! Could she really be lusting over him? Suddenly, Anna felt something as her hair moved on the top of her head. She reached up and felt another ear tuft. She groaned, slumping her shoulders and leaned her head against the wall of the shower. She have get out of this place and soon.

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