Jailhouse Rock

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57 Days Left Until Extermination...

The sound of clocks ticking echoed in the dark hallways until It struck midnight. Bong! Bong! Bong! The loud ring sounded out continuously twelve times. Anna rolled in her bed, restless, trying to sleep. But, she couldn't, she tried counting until reached up to 300, it didn't work. She tried thinking of various of songs trying to lull herself to sleep, but It only made her more wide awake. Anna groaned as she pulled the pillow, covering her face. Slowly, she felt her eyes began to drop, feeling heavy until they closed.

However, as soon as Anna was about to go to sleep, a loud strange sound ringed in her ears. Her eyes shot open immediately awaken her. Anna rolled on her side using her pillow to cover her ears. But, the sound only got even louder as music continued to play. Anna growled, sitting up in the bed. She crawled out and walked towards the door leaving her room. Her footsteps echoed as she walked down the hallway heading towards the source, where the music was coming from.

"It sounds like someone stepping on a lot of cats," She murmured, irritated. All she wanted as to have a good night's rest. Soon, she stopped in front of a door, Alastor's room. She frowned. Of course, it had to be him. She knocked, nothing. She knocked harder, but it was covered up over the music. Anna opened the door, walking in. As she stepped into Alastor's room, heading deeper inside the swamp, following the sound where the music was coming from. As she got closer, it sounded like someone was screaming and howling in agony. Then she saw someone within the distance.

Anna stopped staring in blank silence, seeing that it was the radio demon. He was sitting in a small rolling chair in front of a strange instrument as furbies were lined up in rows.

"Alastor, what is that thing?" Anna asked. Alastor turned around seeing Anna standing behind him. He grinned wickedly.

"Oh hello, my dear!" He called out to her. "This is my furby organ."

"Well, could you keep it down?" Anna said. "Some of us are trying to sleep. I have to have some energy for Angel's intervention, tomorrow. You know how he is."

"Don't you mean morning?" Alastor smiled.

"See, I'm too tired to think right now," Anna replied. "So, could you please not make any noise until then?"

"Very well," Alastor smirked, darkly.

Anna yawned as she walked in to the room to find Angel sitting in the chair, leaning back in it as he filed his nails. He looked up hearing her come in. Angel's eyes widen seeing the state that Anna was in. Her eyes had dark bags underneath them and were bloodshot. Also, her hair was a mess with knots and tangles.

She did not get any sleep at all. Every time she tried to, somehow her door would open on it's own, creaking at it did then slamming shut. The faucet in her bathroom would continuously drip or run every time when she tried to turn off, annoying her. And every time she tried to lay back down on the bed her pillow would be in a different spot or her blankets would be tossed across the room.

"Wow, dollface, you look like shit!" Angel laughed, leaning back in his chair, pointing at Anna. "You didn't get enough beauty sleep last night?" Anna frowned as she stared tiredly at the spider demon. She walked over to the chair and sat down.

"Thanks, Angel," she dead panned. "Every girl loves to hear that."

"I couldn't get any sleep last night," she said. "No matter how hard I tried."

"So, are we going to fucking do this or what?" Angel said, leaning in his chair. "Me and Cherri, we are thinking about hitting a few clubs after this." Anna looked up from her notebook, glancing at Angel.

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