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45 days left until Extermination...

Charlie squealed as she saw several demons lined up in the lobby checking in. Vaggie was helping checking them in while Alastor and Niffty showed the clients to their rooms. To everyone's surprise, Baxter had asked Niffty out on a date. She immediately accepted. As the two left to go on their date, Charlie was greeting more of the guests that came in. But, then from out of nowhere the was a small rumble as the room began to shake a little.

Anna was in the intervention room with Husk. She flipped through the notebook with hers, Charlie's and Vaggie's notes. This was going to be tougher nut to crack. Husk keeps his emotions locked away like a vault. Then, there was a another strange rumble as the room began to shake again. Anna frowned as she looked up at the cat demon.

"Can you get earthquakes down here?" She questioned. Husk looked at her.

"No, we're underground you dumb dora!" He spatted. "Hell doesn't get earthquakes that's ridiculous! I've been down here a long time to know!" Anna frowned, she couldn't have imagined it could she? She shook her head and continued. The more she tried to get Husk to talk, he refused to answer.

"This is a waste of time," Husk growled, irritated.

"You can do this Husk," Anna said.

"You want me to tell you my fucked up life? Fine, here it is!" Husk snapped. Anna flinched. He continued. "I've been through three different wars, was married once only to find out that my lovely wife cheated on me while I was away. She took the kids and went with her new lover and left me with nothing. I resorted to gambling and drinking. It was the only thing that made me happy, to fill in the empty void. I ended up in debt with no way out. Drinking was the only to escape."

"Husk,-" Anna was cut off by the cat demon as he slapped her hand away. "I don't want to hear it!" He barked. "You can shove that pity somewhere else!" He stood up and walked out, slamming the door hard. Anna sighed.

Well, that went well...

Later on that day, a sudden loud scream boomed in the hotel. It came from one of the client's rooms. Charlie, Alastor and Vaggie rushed towards the room and opened the door to see what had happened. Their gaze was met with a horrifying sight as they saw melted remains of what was left of their client. Soon after, another scream was heard and it was the same case, melted remains. At least their clients will be able to respawn and come back, but, still, a bad way to go.

"Why is this happening?!" Charlie frowned.

"My dear, it's looks like the hotel's infested with hellbugs," Alastor answered with a smile fixing his monocle. The princess and the moth demon eyes widen.

"What?!" Vaggie shouted.

"We need to evacuate everyone out of the hotel!" Charlie ordered.

Soon enough, everyone was outside looking at the hotel. There were several strange creatures roaming around the grounds. The bugs were giant with four long legs and a huge mouth with many rows of teeth. The bugs suddenly turned invisible and buried underground. Charlie turned to Alastor.

"Can't you do something? Use your powers to get rid of them!" Charlie shouted. "They're going to ruin the hotel!" He turned his head to the side with an amused smile on his face.

"I don't have magic strong enough to defeat these beasts." Alastor replied.

"Bullshit!" Vaggie exclaimed furiously. "Listen here, pendejo, you made a promise to protect the hotel and so far you're doing a shitty job at it! Most of the clients are dead!" Alastor laughed darkly.

"You're right, I did promise to keep the hotel safe. But, whatever happens to the clients is no concern of mine." He smiled shrugging his hands, holding his staff in the other.

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