True Colors

36 1 0

36 Days Left Until Extermination...

Anna groaned as she slowly opened her eyes. Her head was pounding like someone was taking a hammer and whacking on her brain. How much did she drink last night? She slowly sat up in the bed. She immediately regretted it as she felt a dull ache on her lower body between her legs. Anna confused as to why she was naked. She pulled the sheets back and her eyes widened seeing the dried blood between her legs as well as numerous bits marks all over her body. She shuddered seeing it also staining the sheets and bed as well. The sheets on her bed had claw marks streaked across them and the mattress. Feathers from her pillows, that were ripped to shreds, were scattered all over the room. She leaned back only to feel that the bed frame was missing and saw that it had been split in half, destroyed.

"What happened last night?" She murmured.

Anna hugged the sheets to her chest, covering herself. "Oh god, please tell me I didn't..." Anna heard the sound of static followed by someone snoring to the left of her. Anna turned her head and her eyes widened in shock to see Alastor. He was naked as well. He had scratches and bite marks all over him as well. She was surprised to see his that his legs were shaped like a deer's bent at an awkward angle, covered in red and white fur. Anna looked down further and she nearly squeaked seeing Alastor's tail slowly waving from side to side while he slept. He's definitely not going to like this but the sooner he finds out the better. Plus, a little payback.

Anna reached out and have a hard pull on Alastor's tail. Alastor's eyes immediately popped open. He froze when he saw Anna next to him covering herself with the blanket.

"Please tell me that we didn't..."

"We did." Anna said. Alastor turned facing his back at Anna. He groaned as he held his head, looking down. Then it really wasn't a dream. The two of them actually did...Alastor wanted to scream but he hit his lip. His hands dug into his hair, gripping it tightly. Oh, no, no, no! This was not supposed happen! Alastor sighed. He had to end this. Even if this was going to hurt her, he had to do it. There was far too much at stake. He can't afford an distraction, right now.

Anna sat silently as she watched Alastor. She felt her heart was about to beat out of her chest. Waiting for him to do or say something, anything. Anything, but silence. This was torture.

"This was a mistake." Anna's eyes widened hearing Alastor spoke. Her breath caught in her chest like she had been punched.

"It doesn't has to be..." She said, quietly. "I mean, we can still make this work."

"What happened last night, didn't happen." Alastor replied. Anna felt like her heart was being crushed. Suddenly, the bed felt it was the right time to give away as one of the legs broke. Alastor and Anna yelled as it fell lopsided.

"So you mean to tell me that you feel nothing for me?" She asked.

"No-" Anna cut him off. She glared at him, furiously. "Then look at me right in the eye and tell me and tell me to my face. That I mean nothing to you."

"Stop it!" Alastor snapped. Anna's eyes widened. "Just stop..." Alastor turned to Anna. He has to end this now. "Give me your hand."

"Why?" Anna asked. Alastor ignored her, and grabbed her hand. A light green glow emitted from their hands and Alastor let go.

"I release you from my contract." Alastor said. "It is over." Anna's eyes widened in shock. She was free? She should be feeling ecstatic but she wasn't. She didn't want it to end. She didn't want to...

"Alastor, you can't really mean that-" Anna stammered. "I love you." That was all she could manage to get out. Alastor's eyes widened as he stared at her with a strained smile. He gripped the sheets tightly with his hand almost tearing more holes into it with his claws. Anna's eyes widened in shock as well at her words. She had finally said it, after wanting to get it out for so long! Then she heard Alastor laugh, like it was funny joke...

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