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POV: nobody

You wake up with the sunshine in your face. You sit up and move your hair form your eyes and yawn. You slept like a child last night in Whitty's arms. You got up and tip-toed to the bathroom and refreshed yourself and you went to the kitchen to make coffee and breakfast for you and Whitty.

POV: Whitty

I've never slept so good in 2 years. I sank into the warm darkness under the bedsheets and sighed, one thing I've never told y/n is that I would accidentally go Ballistic at times and cause major damage, but at the dame time I would hate seeing them scared. I patted the side where y/n was to make sure they were there. I felt open air. I immediately sat up to see y/n handing me a coffee and omelets. I sat up and immediately ate my breakfast.
(Time skip of getting refreshed.)

I wore my newly washed clothes. It smelled like...flowers. I buried my face into my sweater and let the aroma sink in. "So, where are we heading?" I asked as I leaned my foot against a chair and tied my shoe.

"A walk though the woods where its pretty remote." y/n replied.

"Aren't there bears?" I asked.

"Nah. We are in the mid-west Whitty," y/n scoffed as they put on their flannel with a color scheme of dark shades of red, "There's a slim chance of bears devouring us." I followed y/n out the door and walked to y/n's backyard where the woods began and disappeared behind the shadows.

Everything was quiet, all I could hear was y/n's and my footsteps crunching leaves as we walk, and the wind made me shiver, we came upon a stream with rocks, we heard the Mourning Dove's nostalgic coos as we continued. Suddenly I heard rustling footsteps, "Look y/n! A deer and her fawn!" I whispered as I watched the mother graze some grass on the opposite side of the river as the little one drank her milk, wagging its tail it was very cute to watch.

"It's beautiful Whitty..." Y/n gasped as they crouched down so they wouldn't get noticed by the deer.

Suddenly, a crack roared through the air, I've never heard anything like this before...I felt y/n hug me tightly as they whimpered, I stroked their hair as I looked around.

"Thunder?" I asked myself. I looked up, the clouds looked white. But then we heard a sloppy thud to the ground. I turned to check if the deer was fine, but the little fawn and the mother deer lay motionless. "Are they sleeping all of a sudden?" I thought.

I heard y/n start crying and shivering as they looked at the lifeless deer. Y/n ran over to the motionless deer and fell to their knees and started crying. I was confused...what happened?

"What happened y/n?" I asked in confusion.

"They are gone..." y/n cried.

"When are they coming back?" I wondered as I looked around.

"Don't you get it Whitty..." y/n cried, "They are dead!"

I let that word engrave into my metal heart, "Dead."

Every book would eventually have to come to an end.

I hugged y/n from behind, placing my head on their shoulder. "Why don't we continue along the trail should we?" I recommended.

Y/n sniffled a bit before their tears stopped streaming from their eyes. We continued along the trail where I took a final look at the lifeless deer, then continued along the dirt trail.

We came upon a large group of stairs leading to a coast, "What lake is this?" I asked y/n as I pointed to surrounding land with a nearby lighthouse.

"Because we are in Michigan, I believe this is...Lake Michigan, because do you see those tall buildings over there?" Y/n pointed.

I squinted to get a better view.

"You might not see is accurately but in my prediction, I think that is Wisconsin, bordering Chicago."

"Nice!" I replied.

I heard y/n muttering some numbers.

"67...68...69...70...71." Y/n counted.

"71 stairs!" Y/n shouted as they ran down the stairs as if they were flying.

"Hey! Wait up!" I yelled as I took my time and cautiously walked down the stairs.
Y/n toppled over at the bottom of the stairs and I helped them up. We sat on the sandy beach where the waves crashed then retreated. My arm was wrapped around y/n as we were blanketed by the sun.

POV: Y/n
Whitty purred in my ear as we sat motionless with each other, talking, and laughing. I took my bracelet off my wrist and handed it to Whitty, it had beads that spelled, "W H I T T Y". The bracelet had a color scheme of warm colors. Whitty wore it on his wrist, "I will never take it off, even if I'm dead..." he purred.

𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒚 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓❗Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora