🦋 dominic81 🦋

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the beautiful voice booms over head of us. faceless. angelic. it's so loud that both ann and i look around the darkness.

i'm going to always be here for you. but you need to contact me. tell me you're okay! i'm getting really good with a gun.

the voice claims it's owner. a beautiful woman around my age appears from no where, replacing ann's position across from me.

her citrine tone glows and there's a certain affinity toward her.

you should see me. you'd be proud. apple's been really helpful. i swear she's stronger than me; that kid. she misses you. i miss you.

"i miss you too," fly's out of my mouth. i have to say it to her, but she doesn't respond back.

she continues as if she's a recording.

i miss you an amount i never knew i could. please tell me you're okay.

"i'm okay," i tell her, she slowly fading away. "i'm okay! wait! i'm okay!" nothing stops her from disappearing. that's when i remember. "i'm okay soraya!"

i open my eyes, the boring grey room coming into my view.

i look around, checking every inch.

no ann.

no table.

no darkness.

i'm alone.


think dominic.

why did it take you so long to recognize her?

why can't i remember the conversation with my brother? why do i barely remember him?

what the hell is she doing to me?!

the inside of my elbow starts to sting and i scratch at it. i look at it, seeing two open holes decorated there, bruised and blue.

where did these come from?!

what the fuck is going on?!



i'm dominic david fike. i know this.

i met a woman when the virus came about and that's soraya peters. we went to go save my sister apple.

i know this.

then we met two other people. two.. guys! g-gra-grayson! yes! we met grayson and mel-mit-matt! matt!

soraya, apple, grayson, matt!

they're hiding!

i left them to find... to find... something!

what was i trying to find again?

no! not something!

𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖘𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖒   | d.f. |Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat