Chapter 4

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"So Misty?"

Giving my uncle my attention, I waited for him to continue to speak. We were in the kitchen getting dinner ready while prepping for thanksgiving lunch tomorrow.

"I see you've followed in Jennifer's foot steps." He laughed, referring to Aug.

"I know right. It was so unexpected." I smiled.

"I could only imagine. But he treats your right though?"

"Right doesn't even begin to explain it. He is literally trying to undo all my bad memories by replacing them with good ones."

"Now that's love."

"And I do love him."

"How long now y'all been together?"

"Eight months."

"Just keep the lines of communication open and y'all will be fine."

"Thanks for the advice Uncle Greg."

"Anytime." He smiled.

There was a moment of silence between us and I knew why. Everytime we came together, he would asked me the same question.

"I still haven't heard from her and at this point I don't think I ever will." I sighed.

"I know. Jennifer been trying to get in contact with her but your siblings are being difficult."

"They've always been and will always be." I shrugged.

"I just don't understand why." He sighed.

The thing about my aunt's husband was he is big on family. Though they only had two boys, he came from a big family and they celebrated as they were, A big family.

When they first got together to when they got married, he found it hard to believe how our family was, until their wedding day, when he saw for himself.

Not everyone on our side attended and those who did, only went so they can go back to report. He didn't care though, he loved her none the less and that's what I was seeing with August.

"What about your friend with the daughter?"

"Jamal? He's good."

While back in New York, Jay explained to me why I didn't hear from him. Aside from giving me my space to get better, he was dealing with so much where gaining full custody was concerned for Destiny.

They had to move out of the apartment because his lawyer explained that in most cases, aside from the environment surrounding the living spaces, because their apartment was a two bedroom, more than likely someone from cps would come to check.

"So they were able to get their own place?"

"Yeah, in a better area and Destiny has her own room."

"Well that's great. So will he have full custody?"

"Danielle refuses to sign over her rights but as of now, he is the main parent."

"I never understood why that girl didn't like you."

"Neither did I." I sighed. "I've never done anything to her but hey." I shrugged.

Hearing my phone ring, I smiled seeing Aug's name.

"Yeah babe?"

"Momma wants to know if ya coming here for lunch seeing as how I'm gonna be there for dinner."

"Umm, I guess. Yeah." I agreed.

"Aight well be ready in about an hour,hour and half tops."

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