Chapter 3

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No note for this chapter..


Me- @ziamperf

Maggie- @maggiedriz

Isabel- @DirectionPic

Emma- @LiamandNiall




“Are you serious? Isabel is absolutely mad! Why would she say something like that to you? Maggie, don’t listen to her. Zayn could very well love you.” Lilly was trying to lift my mood up, I appreciate the gesture, but I rather sulk in my own self pity. We all know the truth- Zayn could never love something as silly of an excuse as me.

“Lilly, it’s fine. Thank you for trying to uplift my mood, it means a lot, but I’ll be fine. I promise. Out of anything she could have said, she chose something that isn’t that harsh. I’m not upset, okay? I actually think they make a cute couple together. I just want Zayn to be happy, even if I’m not the one make it so.” Some of that was the truth, I did want Zayn to be happy. I just really want nothing more, than for me to be the source of his happiness.

Lilly shook her head at me. She obviously knew that I was lying, but she chose not to say anything. Neither of us were looking for a fight, because we were going out with the group tonight and we didn’t want to be put in a pissy mood.

Styles- We’ll be there in five, love. xx

Me- See you soon :)

“They’ll be here in five! Make sure you have sunglasses!” I shouted down the hall, loud enough for Lilly to hear. “Grab the sunglasses from Harry for me, please?”

“Sure baba, here, catch!” She tossed me the sunglasses and I successfully caught them. We both walked into the kitchen and leaned against the counters on our phones, something to do to waste time.

“Not to alarm anybody but we’re breaking and entering your house and are here to kidnap you. Do not struggle, for we are lazy and don’t feel like being kicked.” Lilly and I looked at each other with confused wearing confused expressions. Before we knew it, our door was opened and in came all five boys and Isabel. Before I could say anything, Zayn came running in and swept me off my feet. Lilly had been taken by Niall, who had used his announcer voice to confuse it, and was trying to get out of his grip. “I thought I said no struggling?” Niall said with a laugh. I squirmed at first, but now I’m just in Zayn’s arms like it was no big deal. Isabel was looking at me like she wanted to kill me. Oops.

“Ya know Mags, you seem lighter than the last time we saw you, have you lost weight?” I gulped and looked at Maggie who was already looking at me. I smiled and looked back at him.

“Uhm... I don’t think I have, maybe you’re just getting stronger and I don’t seem like I weigh as much as I used to?” I hoped that nobody would catch on that I was really nervous, and I think I passed. Niall gave me and Lilly both a look that said, ‘something happened, and you’re telling me later.’ I nodded at him and hoped he would drop the subject then and there- he did.

Isabel was texting on her phone with an evil smirk, which frightened me, but I shook the feeling off. Niall was still holding Lilly and Zayn was still holding me when we all walked out to the cars. “Can’t we be let down? I’m sure you want to get back to your girlfriend, you know, the one that you’re crazy about?” I asked.

“Nope, I’m still putting you in the car, okay? And yes, I am crazy about her, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t be cheeky with you, she knows that we’re just best friends, don’t you babe?” Zayn asked Isabel.

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