Chapter 14

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So this is probably going to be really short, but here is the next chapter. I wanted something to do, so HERE YE BE. I couldn't write much, I was getting emotional :p

Mitchel’s POV

Do it.


Do it now. Don’t be a wimp.

I’m strong. I can make it through this.

You’re a wimp. Just take the gun and put it to your heart. It’ll end quickly.

No. Angie and all of our friends will be torn apart. I can’t do that to them.

Yes you can. Do it. Do it now. All of your pain will be over, just do it. Nobody really cares about you here. They’re all better off without you.

They love me.

But you don’t love yourself. Do it; just get it over with.

Please stop, I want to stay alive.

You’re in denial. You want to be dead.

I do?


What if the voice is right?

I am right. Angie didn’t chase you did she?

Well... no, bu-

But nothing. She didn’t chase you because she doesn’t care. Didn’t you chase her all of those times she ran?

Yes, but,

But nothing. She doesn’t care about you. Kill yourself. Join everybody else who went through this. It’ll be worth it in the end.

The voice is right. She didn’t chase me after I ran out. I’ve chased her so many times. I thought she cared about me. All of those times we said ‘I love you’ and ‘Forever and Always’ I thought those meant something to her, but I’m wrong. All of this confusion and pain will be over soon.

Narrator's POV

Mitchel lost it. After weeks of battling with the voice inside his head, he finally lost it. He stayed strong because he was in love with Angie, and he thought she was in love with him too. And she is, but the voice said different.

Mitchel walked to the kitchen and pulled out a notebook and a pen.

I’m sorry I couldn’t becan’t be I’m not strong enough. I tried, I really did try. I’m so sorry to any of you that care about me. I can’t do it anymore, I can’t take it anymore. -Mitchel

He put the note on his bed, and went to his closet. He changed out of his shirt, it was Angie’s favorite, and he didn’t want to ruin it. He threw on a shirt that he had only worn once, it wasn’t very appealing. There was an elephant on the front, but it had the body of a lion. He never understood why he bought it, but he realized in that moment. It’s because the elephant was an outcast. Just like him.

“I hope the elephant didn’t feel like this.” Mitchel thought.

Once dressed, he went to the laundry room and grabbed the gun he had placed up on the tallest shelf for emergencies.

This was an emergency.

He walked back to his room and sat on the bed. He contemplated calling somebody, maybe they could save him.

“I don’t want to be saved.” He told himself.

He took the passcode off of his phone, just in case nobody knows it. Maybe they can get more of an understanding of his brain if they looked through it.

Anything It TakesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora