Story 12: Female captain: Part One

Start from the beginning

The captain was on the bridge when she heard Theresa say "So you want to go too?" The captain looked at Theresa and said "Alex wants people with low honkai resilience to go to the area he's put out, while the rest stay outside holding off the horde. I'm also curious, he wants something and it seems it's only found in this zone." Theresa stood up and said "Alright, I'll go roundup everyone, you just get ready."

The captain grabbed all of her gear for the cold and went to meet up with Alex. She then knocked on the door and Alex said "Just a minute." The captain listened to drawers slam shut and the constant sound  of flowing air. As the door opened the captain was hit with a large amount of cold air and said "W-why is it c-cold in there?" Alex then said "Just preparing the room for retrieval of the thing we are searching for." The captain then said "O-oh, I s-see, well a-are you ready?" Alex nodded "Yep, just gotta grab my bag." The captain nodded.

Alex walked out to the briefing room and saw everyone going on the mission. "Uh ok." He said "So the search area is going to be surrounded by beasts, I'm know for a fact that honkai infected creatures are either reluctant or something's forcing them to stay out." Theresa then said "I see, so you want us to open up a gap for you and the captain to get in and out, am I right?" Alex nodded "Precisely, I have next to no fighting skills for large fights. So that's why I contacted you guys." Himeko then said "Why won't they go into the area, surely it's something large keeping them out?" Alex then shrugged "I don't know we'll find out once we get there." 

It was snowing, the white flakes floated to the ground as the valkyries went past. On the right they spotted a village out in the distance and Kiana said "I remember when I lived in the snow." The captain then said "Really, you'll have to tell me sometime?" The captain then looked  ahead and saw some beasts and said "I see some contacts, prepare for engagement." Himeko then said "Time to fight." As the beasts approached the valkyries Theresa said "go ahead, you're nearly there." Alex nodded and grabbed the captains hand before running up the mountain.

After a few minutes of running Alex and the captain had reached the point where no hostiles were present. Alex looked around and said "it must be around here somewhere." The captain then began to feel faint and said "What's going on? Why do I feel like this?" Alex then said "We're not that high up, huh, maybe something is compelling you to feel this way?" Alex then saw a lone tree and thought "Could that be it, could they be at the base?" As he got closer it began to snow harder. The captain then said "incredible, absolutely beautiful." Alex then said "Agreed." As they got to the tree Alex said "it's them, it's what I've been looking for." He then pointed to a flower. "A flower? well not the stupidest thing I've thought about." Said the captain "So how do we extract them?" Alex then pulled out a small glass bottle and said "I'm going to get some seeds and grow some more, and try to adapt them to warmer weathers." He then walked closer to the flower and brushed some seeds from them he then looked a the bottle satisfied and said "Kay I got them let's go?" The captain then said "Going to have to wait, it's too heavy to walk down." Alex then nodded and said "Yeah, this tree looks like evolved to shelter. let's wait here."

As the two waited they heard Himeko over the comms say "Alex, captain are you two ok?" The captain then said "Yes, what's your situation?" Himeko then said "It was getting hard to fight, it got rough, how about yours?" ALex then said "Got what were looking for we'll be heading down once it calms down." Himeko then said "got, stay safe out there." The captain then said "Will do." After the conversation with Himeko Alex said "We need to move, I saw a cave we should head there before it gets dark." The captain looked out and said "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Alex nodded "Yes, the cave should keep us sheltered. This tree won't." The captain then nodded and followed Alex.

As the two reached the cave Alex said "ok, do you still have the fire supplies?" The captain nodded and pulled out everything that was in the bag. As alex was about to create the fire he heard three gunshots come from the other entrance of the cave. The captain then hid behind Alex and could feel his heart beating a bit faster. As he went to the other entrance he saw a small cabin out in the open. He was concerned as he walked up to it, he saw a note taped on the door that read "I can't take it anymore, I had to do it, they were crazy." Alex then opened the door and a body fell out. The captain then screamed and Alex's heart began to beat even faster. The captain then said "I-is she-" Alex cut her off "Yeah, and I assume anyone else here is too."

The two searched the cabin and found three more bodies total one of which has appeared to have commited suicide. Alex grabbed the bodies and said "I'll go bury them, it'll be the right thing to do." The captain then looked around and saw a picture of the family, they seemed happy. She wondered why one had killed the others, then offed herself. After a short while Alex came in and said "It's done, I'm not proud of it but I did it nonetheless." the captain then said "I understand."

 the captain fell asleep, Alex sighed they decided to stay in the cabin until morning Alex then thought "Damm, I knew I would be out for more than 12 hours but the sound of the gunshots and bodies didn't help." he then felt his heartbeat and counted. "Good it's lower than when we found the bodies." he then looked at the captain and said "She can't know."

As it became morning Alex heard Himeko over the comms say "Alex come in, where are you two." Alex then said "A small cabin adjacent to the zone. Everyone was dead." Himeko then said "I understand, we are approaching now, see you soon." 

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