31|Friend of a Friend

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Harry's pov

I got a notification that interrupted my music I dropped from the pull up bar picking up my phone there was someone pulling up at my gate

I didn't recognize that car the guard called me cutting the video feed off

"Yes?" I answered

"Ms.Dixon has a friend at the gate Sir Miss April Summers"

"Yes let her through"

"Yes sir" he hung up and I called Alexis

"Hi!" She answered

"Hi darling your friend April has just arrived are you expecting her?" I knew she wasn't home

"Oh yes! I'm so sorry she was over an hour late so I went out with Mrs.Short to help her get the groceries"

I chuckled "she's paid to do that you know that right?"

"Yes and she's fully capable of doing it on her own as well but I still wanted to help her and I honestly thought April forgot, she wasn't answering me" I walked to the front door opening it and standing in the doorway

"Okay well I'll let her in and she'll be here when you get home"

"What?! No she can wait in her car"

I frowned "she's not waiting in her car"

"No Harry please-"

"Alexis I'll see you when you get home" April got out and started toward me

"Ugh okay well I tried" she hung up

She tried...? Tried what?

"So you are 'the' Harry" she looked me up and down

I probably should have at least wiped off before answering the door I only had on some Nike shorts with a baggy old graphic tee and I was covered in sweat

I nodded "and you're 'the' April" I mocked

She stepped in and looked around "nice digs" she looked back at me "what are you again? A model or somethin?" She said between obnoxiously chewing on gum

"I run a security company"

"Yeah so just fancy cameras" she waved a hand toward me inviting herself into my living to take a seat

I cocked an eyebrow ...Fancy cameras?

"Would you like some tea? Water? Anything like that?" I offered


"Uh I think we have a few cans yeah" I turned toward my kitchen

"That's not the Coke I meant" she sniffed rubbing her nose winking then laughed "I'm just fucking with you"

I rolled my jaw

Maybe I should have just left her in her car like Alexis said

I got a notification someone was at my gate it was Alexis and Mrs.Short only about 10 minutes later

Thank fucking god

Alexis strolled in and immediately walked to April and smacked her shoulder "stop staring!" She scolded

I had the tv on but April was just blankly watching me the whole time not even being subtle about it popping gum bubbles over n' over

"What? I'm just looking at the sketchbook shit he's got going on" she motioned toward me

"Where were you at 2? When I asked you to come over?" Alexis crossed her arms

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