46|I Care

792 23 1

3rd person pov

Alexis stepped out from the hall shoving her phone into her purse she spotted Harry in his arm chair reading his feet were up on the ottoman in nothing but his boxers

"Baby?" She asked

"Mm?" He hummed flipping his page

"You still haven't seen my keys huh?"

He looked up holding the pages down so he wouldn't lose his spot "no"

She sighed heavily "I know I had them here..." she mumbled with what sounded like exhaustion then walked to the kitchen grabbing a cup from the cabinet starting to make herself some water

He frowned deeply "are you alright?"

"Fine" she said as she got ice

"Baby girl... I've got your keys" he'd really hoped she'd just let it go at some point then he could just pop up with them one day she'd just be unfazed and still want to drive the Audi, but no such luck

"What?" She asked with an edge

He sighed and stood up setting his book on the arm of his chair "I took them, I've had them the whole time" he admitted

Alexis slammed the cup on the counter "WHY?! I've been looking for them for a fucking month Harry!"

He walked toward her "I just wanted you to drive a safer car"

"Where are my keys?" She turned to be face to face with him as he came to stand by the end of the counter

"Will you be taking your car if I give you your keys back?" He inched his way toward her

She rolled her jaw "this is not a negotiation you d*ck! give me my fucking keys"

He leaned down some to be eye to eye with her ,he did realize how condescending it seemed but that didn't really take precedent (she had an attitude with him anyway) "you didn't answer me"

She shoved her shoulder into his arm as she glided passed him "I'll tear your fucking room apart to find them then"

He turned and leaned on the bar with his hip crossing his arms "who's to say that even if you do find them- that you'd even be able to reach them" he called after her teasingly

She turned on her heel "this is exactly what I fucking meant!"

"What?" He asked obviously not having any context to go off of

"this is exactly why I didn't wanna move in with you! You think you have control over me!" She hastily walked back pressing her long black pointer finger nail firmly to his chest

He frowned deeply uncrossing his arms "no... I just wanted you to be safe and you're so stubborn I thought that if I-..." he really didn't mean it in that way this wasn't about his power over her, what he could take and give, or even to flaunt his wealth (being the fact he could just give her a car)

It was peace of mind

"I'm a grown woman don't you think I know enough about my own safety for fucks sake!?"

He forfeit "you're right" he stepped around her he walked into his bedroom he pulled his nightstand away from his wall reaching into the secret cubby made in the furniture he pushed it back in place then walked back out and held the keys out to her in his palm "I never intended to make you feel like I'm exercising my power over you... that's not ,and will never be, the case"

She took them he swiftly added "please wait until you're not upset to drive in the very least"

her anger deflating slightly she knows he's got a weird thing about his safety and about hers as well as a odd way of being affectionate "don't do that shit I thought I was going crazy" she said gruffly almost under her breath

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