54|Only Mother I've Ever Known

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Harry's pov

"I'm just saying baby" Alexis was giving me a massage while I leaned back and relaxed in my chair

She said I was much to stressed she was murmuring sweet nothings and pleasant affirmations as she worked my shoulders

"I know" I sighed "I know you're right Baby girl" she was teasing me about getting grey hairs early with all the stress I put myself through

"But don't worry I'd still think you're the cutest man I've ever seen" she leaned around giving me a kiss on the cheek I peeked my eyes open and turned my head to catch a kiss

"You're so good to me" I hummed "my good girl" I reached behind her twirling her ponytail on my finger "so beautiful" I cooed

"Yeah you think so?" She mumbled puffing out her bottom lip

"Mhm I do and so does everyone else" I chuckled lightly

There was a knock it sounded like it came from her office door "Come in!" I yelled her door opened and a woman peeked in ,it was Jupiter "do you need something?" I asked a bit upset as Alexis stood up walking back into her office to meet her leaving me out in the cold

"Just the finical report you asked for sure... my computer is still acting weird but I got it to print so I brought it up here"

"Still?" Alexis sighed heavily "I know someone in IT give me a sec I might be able to get him to check out your computer" she dialed a number rather confidently with her nail and put the phone to her ear "Hi is this Jeremy?" She paused "great! Hey this is Alexis can I ask you a favor? If you're not too busy? Mhm well I have a Ms.Jupiter Monroe here her computer is just acting strange... yeah?" She laughed "I dunno but could you be a doll for me and check it out? She's been suffering with it for awhile" she laughed again "fabulous! Thank you Jeremy! Bye!" She hung up looking at Jupiter holding her hand out for the report "he said he's heading up now"

"Oh wow thank you" she smiled nervously

"It's no problem he gave me his personal contact number in IT so I always call him he's brilliant" Jupiter left with one more thank you Alexis walked the report to me I rubbed her hips

"I can't get over how bright and bubbly you can be"

"It's just me Baby"

I took off early with Alexis to go home I was still very tense but this is the first time I felt this bad since her '12 step program' so there's improvement for sure I used to feel this way at least once a week

Once we got home we took a nice hot bath and watched a movie before bed

I managed to fall asleep but I woke up at around 11:30 ,unfortunately I've been up since

I looked over at Alexis who was very soundly sleeping I rolled on to my side to watch her for a moment

Her bangs were a mess sticking up in all different directions laying partly over her eyes ,she very desperately needed them trimmed, I reached over brushing them from her eyes

I turned over grabbing my phone

1 am

I bit my lip opening my contacts I scrolled down to my sister's number

She should be 9 months by now...

They are 6 hours ahead so it's around 7 am there

I stood up slipping out of bed silently as I pressed the call button

It's been years since I called her number

I stood outside my bedroom door far enough not to disturb Alexis but close enough I could hear and see if she were to wake up

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