5|Sister Sister

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THIS CH IS DEDICATED TO IsabellaFerguson7  She's a long time reader and a very sweet person :)

Alexis's pov

"Okay okay I need to get this out" My sister sighed as she sat on my sofa with me after laying both her kids down for a nap in my bed

She came over for mimosas and venting

"Go head" I encouraged

She sighed heavily "fuck Nathan" picking up her glass

I nodded vigorously "I totally agree but is there a specific reason you're referring to or are you just agreeing with what I've always said?" I sipped

My sister and Nathan were dating in high school for only a few months before she got pregnant, she was 16 he was 18, they stayed together, had Matthew, got married when she turned 18, then at 19 she had Nora but now she's 21 going on 22 and they are getting a divorce

It was a long time coming

He never treated Melissa right but what finally opened her eyes was he cheated with another woman and she had a pregnancy scare she wasn't pregnant but he sure as hell was exposed

"He had the audacity to tell me not to bring his children around my other men" she scuffed "my children first of all I carried them for 9 months second of all how dare he tell me anything at all when he cheated!"

"Sis you go date you go have fun you do everything you couldn't do and when you're ready you go find the man of your dreams!" I hyped her up refilling her nearly empty glass with mostly champagne with a dash of orange juice

She was very amicable though she didn't talk bad about him on front of their children

So I ,in turn, had to follow suit and not say anything bad about him in front of my niece and nephew

"I'm so lucky to have a great sister like you! I love that you hate him so you can just talk shit with me instead of trying to defend him that's just not what I need right now" she shook her head sipping from her glass

We are only half sisters we share the same father he cheated on my abusive mother and had Melissa, neither of us blame him one bit my mom beat the shit out of him it's no wonder he'd look for love outside of her

We met when she was 11 and I was 13

my father had finally left my abusive mom when I was around 1 leaving me totally alone with her

He moved in with Melissa's mother who was pregnant with Melissa at the time ,my mom had no idea he had another kid she just harassed him over the phone for years

he managed to avoid my mother ,which also meant he never saw me

He came back for me when I was around 13 it had been a long time but at the very least my mom wasn't hurting me anymore

"But enough about me" Melissa waved a hand "you said you got a new job! I didn't know you were looking..." she furrowed her eyebrows flicking her long dirty blonde hair off her shoulder

"No I wasn't looking" I shrugged "I probably should have been though that job treated me like shit, I don't have to worry about that anymore" I smirked "this new job? Liss I'm making double my old pay!"

She gasped "really?!"

"Yes!! better insurance and amazing benefits and plenty of vacation time like oh my god it's insane!"

She squeaked "AWESOME! well what happened you said it was crazy?"

"So my ex boss told me I was joining in on a meeting to take notes and he told me to dress nice so I wore a really nice dress with false eyelashes n all I'm talking everything the whole 9 yards which I never really do ,I was already getting attention from all of the guys that I didn't want, so we go to the meeting they tell me to get coffee and I meet the handsomest guy" I rolled my eyes holding up a hand "I'm talking like sickeningly handsome, I go back down and he walks in soon after He Is The Boss!" I raised my eyebrows smirking tipping my glass toward her

"No" she gasped

"Yes! Girl like a lifetime movie!" I laughed "anyway so like they are talking I'm taking notes and one of the guys from my office put his hand in my lap a few times after I told him to stop multiple times finally I go to move he grabs my dress ,he rips my fucking dress!"

She shook her head "are you kidding me?"

"No he rips it and my ex-boss yells at me!"

"AT YOU?!" she quickly covered her mouth "shit my kids" she shook her head laughing

"So my new boss Mr.Styles he's like uh no don't work for anyone who doesn't see the problem then offers me my job double my pay the benefits n' all, and a new dress on top of that!" I kicked up a foot for flare

"So you're a secretary?"

"His personal secretary" I fluttered my lashes

"Oh la la" she giggled

My phone buzzed I glanced "speaking of the devil" I opened my phone

"Oh what did he say?" She leaned over trying to look at my phone screen

"He just wanted to tell me about an appointment he set is all" I entered that into my calendar

"Aw not asking you out on a date?"

"No! Melissa he is my boss!"

"Fine fine whatever... but you did say he was hot" she puckered her lips

"He is"

She groaned "fine how about we go out soon and find us some more hot guys?

"Oh that defiantly sounds fun" I giggled "are you ready to be on the dating scene again? I mean I know I joked about but for real" I took a more serious tone

"Alexis let's be honest this divorce was inevitable I mean he was the 2nd boy I had ever been with and I really thought that I loved him but... I just I knew it wasn't going to work out I chalked it up to a shitty childhood making me doubt things" she threw up a hand "should have just trusted my gut I didn't" she flipped her hair off her shoulder "whatever I'm hot I'm young I've got 2 cute as shit kids like what's stopping me?"

"FUCKING NOTHING" I cheered "toast to that bitch" I held up my glass we toasted and downed the remainder of both of our drinks

She set her glass down "no more alcohol for me"

"So responsible" I praised as I poured myself some more orange juice and champagne laughing

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