78|But What About Me?

544 20 10

Harry's pov

I pulled up at Melissa's and frowned not seeing Alexis's car

Alexis planned a dinner to tell her sister about baby but her sister insisted she would host the dinner just thinking this was to catch up

I texted her

Me:hey Baby girl I just pulled up at your sister's where are you?

My Love:I'll be there soon I'm stuck in traffic give me like 10 at most


My Love:you can go in maybe drop a few hints to make it interesting ;)

I huffed a laugh at her text

Me:Okay darling don't keep me waiting too long I haven't seen you all day and you know how I get when I'm without you that long

I grinned at my message as I sent it

Her days off my the bane of my existence

I got out of my car I took off my blazer throwing it into my passenger seat just to seem more causal

I knocked on her door feeling my pocket buzz I reached for my phone pulling it out just as she opened the door so I held off to greet her

"Harry" she looked around me "where's Alexis?"

"She's on her way we came separately"

"Oh" she pouted slightly "well come in"

Well damn I'm not exactly happy to see you either I thought as I stepped in "where are your kids?"

"With their father" she hummed going back into her kitchen

"What are you making?" I asked sitting myself down on her sofa

"It's baked potatoes and stuffed chicken"

I opened my messages

My Love:and yet you were confused about how I got pregnant

I cocked an eyebrow smirking


I heard a knock I stood up tucking my phone back into my pocket trailing behind Melissa

She opened the door but it wasn't the mother to my child

"MOM" Melissa squeaked I stopped dead in my tracks "glad you could make it!" She pulled her in closing her door giving her mother a hug

She purposely invited her mother? Her mother and Alexis do not get along I'm sure she knows that

I pulled my phone back out calling her turning away from the door "it hasn't even been 10 minutes" she giggled as she answered


"I'm pulling up right now I'll see you in a sec"

"Wait Al-" she hung up


I turned toward the door again I slipped behind them and jogged out to meet Alexis at her car she saw me as she opened her door "hey Baby" she held out a hand and I took it on pure instinct helping her out of the car

"Her mother is here" I said right away

She froze "what?"

"Melissa invited her mother" I clarified

She looked toward the house "what? why?" I shrugged she laughed softly "that was rhetorical Adonis" she closed the door behind her "I think it should be fine I mean... how mean can you be to a pregnant woman?"

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