51|Fun Has Just Begun

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There is talk of bdsm in this ch this is your warning!

Thank you my lovelies!!

3rd person pov

Harry laid in bed reading a book

It was from another publishing company he was looking into

He sighed heavily as his phone buzzed yet again

He glanced at it seeing his father's name flash in the screen along with the notification

6 new messages

He wanted to read but as he tried to find the sentence he had left off on it buzzed again

He closed his eyes rubbing the bridge of his nose he grabbed his bookmark aggravatedly tossing it into the book he picked up his phone

All of the messages were about Alexis

About how she was not what he needed for business let alone in his personal life, that he knew plenty of young wealthy women, that he would be happier with Harry if he dumped her

This all started after everyone at the office found out they were dating, meaning someone contacted his father from his company

Harry would kill to know who

"Baby?" Harry looked up from his phone as Alexis stepped out in her towel

"Mm?" He hummed in response

"Are you still reading?" She peeked over her shoulder as she dropped her towel

Harry sighed heavily as another text came through as he was reading "I planned on it... why?"

She pulled on a pair of underwear and a baggy tee she walked to the edge of the bed and crawled up over him straddling his lap "who are you texting?" She asked respectfully "not anything about work mm?" she'd been trying to break him of his habit of constantly working but especially in his bed

The bed is for fun only: be that sleep, cuddles, and for more 18+ type fun

He's had a rough time sleeping since he's been a CEO (at least that's when he says) and she's very sure it's because he never leaves work so he agreed to her 12 step program

Step 1:no work in bed, NO exceptions

He powered off his screen "no it's not"

She cocked an eyebrow "are you sure?"

He closed his eyes restraining his irritation "it's my father"

"Oh" she frowned "what does he want?" She crossed her arms sitting back some

Harry opened his eyes feeling her shift in his lap he put his hands on her thighs "just saying things to make me mad"

"Give me his number and let me talk to him... I can put him in his place"

"I'm sure you can" Harry smirked "but he plays dirty so I want him having no contact with you"

"Ugh fine if you say so" Alexis rolled her eyes

Harry patted her thighs "but you're so sweet to me darling" he squeezed her softly "such a good girl"

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