77|Fall into Place

520 19 10

3rd person pov

Harry was beyond antsy

His sister is coming with his nephew and he wants everything to be perfect

He was pacing back and forth "she's not coming" he mumbled

"She's just a little late Harry" Alexis reassured him as she stepped into the living room carrying some of the snacks Mrs.Short made for everyone setting them on the table

"I told her 4 it's 4:26" he growled "I knew it I knew-"

"Harry" she grabbed his face "Look at me" he looked into her eyes "Baby she has a 7 month old and not everyone is perfectly punctual okay? Take a breath for me"

He inhaled and exhaled rapidly "but she-"

"Ah ah no" she cut him off "a slow breath" she corrected and did it with him "Harry you are getting all worked up for nothing" She rubbed her thumbs against his cheeks "she'll be here any minute"

"Alexis she said-"

"I love you" Alexis smiled

He sighed heavily "I love you so so much"

She wrapped her arms around his neck "Computer! Play classical music!" The music started and she started to sway

"What are you doing?" Harry asked

"Dance with me" she hummed

He shook his head "I'm not dancing I just-"

"Please" she cooed he let lose a little and started to sway with her

Soon enough he had her pulled against him his cheek against the top of her head her cheek pressed to his upper chest he pulled her away to twirl her making her giggle

As soon as he saw that pink cheeked smile the last of his tense apprehension melted away he pulled her back to his chest and cupped her face tilting her head back to give her a warm passionate kiss

His phone buzz but he didn't want to end the kiss "that's her" Alexis whispered against his lips

"Mm" he groaned trying to continue the kiss

"Mr.Styles!" He pulled away to look at Mrs.Short "shall I get the door?"

Harry had told the gate guard to just let his sister in because he was already expecting her

He nodded "yes" he went to turn away but Alexis caught him so she could wipe her bright red lipstick off his mouth making him laugh

"I don't care if I've got lipstick on me Darling, it's usually just the glitter I worry about"

"Mm I know but it kinda looks like you we're a little kid who get into some red koolaid" she finished "there" he chuckled and sloppily kissed her one more time before tagging behind Mrs.Short

The door opened and he saw not only his sister and nephew but her husband

She stepped in "Harry" she opened one arm out to him ,the other holding her son, Harry hugged her

"Gem" he squeezed her then pulled away looking toward the baby on her hip "what's his name?"

"We went with Zachary last minute, so we call him Z" she smiled bouncing slightly "do you wanna hold him?" She offered

"Yeah please" Harry took him

Zachary looked more like his father than his mother but he had Gemma's brown eyes instead of his father's blue his nose was a defiantly like his father with the blonde hair his mother had as a child

"Handsome lad" Harry commented Z kept looking back at his mother then at Harry he looked ready to cry but he was still okay for the moment

Harry looked at James "sorry, it's Harry" he held a hand out to James

"I know I remember you" he shook Harry's hand "lovely home" he added

Harry nodded he turned and realized Alexis wasn't beside him she was still in the living room

she was standing with her hands folded in front of her watching their interaction with a small smile Harry frowned "Baby?" He started toward her Zachary realized he was leaving his mother and started to cry "what's wrong?" He asked softly into her ear as he got to her pressing his lips to her forehead after

"I just didn't want to interrupt" she cooed she looked down at Zachary on Harry's hip "Aww you left Mama huh?" She pouted

Gemma invited herself in fully ,meaning she left the front entrance by the door, she took a seat on the sofa pulling James to sit next her

Alexis looked at Gemma "he's precious" she held a hand out her "how are you?"

"Better" she hummed shaking her hand

Alexis nodded "good" She felt a tug on her dress she looked down Zachary was grabbing at her

"Can I?" She looked between Harry and Gemma there was no objections she grabbed him "oh hey buddy hey" she whispered Zachary rubbed his face sniffling

"This is my girlfriend Alexis" Harry introduced Alexis to James as she calmed the baby "she's currently 6 months pregnant" Harry cupped her bump

"I see that" Gemma smiled "what is it?"

"A little girl" Harry answered

"Congrats" James smiled

Alexis managed to calm Zachary he had his head laid on her chest sinking in his fingers "you are both welcome to come to see the baby at the hosptial" She said warmly

She knew Harry would appreciate his sister being there, she knew he wouldn't be spiteful and deny her that

"Really?" Gemma questioned looking at Harry

"Of course Gem" he kissed Alexis's  cheek as a silent thank you, because she knew him so well and spared him having to say it "but I'd get if it took you some time to get here"

"Well..." Gemma looked at her husband then back at Harry "we've been thinking, me and James but also mother" she smiled softly "we want to be closer to you ,to family, so we're going to move to the U.S."

Harry clapped "that's brilliant! You going to stay close by? Like in the same state?"

"We were looking at a place just down the road from you" she motioned to her right (toward the front of the neighborhood)

"When are you thinking you'd move?" Alexis asked excitedly

"Hopefully within the year but we still have a few more things to settle in London before we can even start packing and putting in offers"

Harry nodded "well Mrs.Short has prepared dinner and I'll bring out some champagne or wine to celebrate what do you think?"

James ,who had been snacking on the hors d'oeuvres, agreed "wine sounds great" he looked at his wife "we have formula in the baby bag so you can drink if you want n' not have to worry about breastfeeding"

"Mm yeah that does sound good, a red maybe"

"I have the best reds" Harry nodded "go take a seat I'll get the wine"

As Gemma got up she took Zachary from Alexis James slipped passed them walking toward the table Alexis went to follow but Gemma stopped her and said

"You got me my brother back I can't thank you enough"

"I didn't do anything... He was always innocent" Alexis frowned

"Yes but you finally made us believe him"

It's sad the word of a stranger meant more than Harry's "your father is the one you shouldn't believe"

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