61|Don't Have to Be Happy But Be Nice

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Alexis's pov

I stepped into the break room to make Harry another cup of coffee

He wanted it black as well so it was a simple task

I walked up to the pot and put the back of my hand to it feeling it, it was plenty hot

I reached for the handle

"Oh Alexis!"

I turned to my name missing the handle touching the bottom of the coffee pot making me hiss softly and snatch my hand back at the sudden heat I looked at my hand just to check it then looked back up "Jupiter, Hey" I smiled

"You okay? sorry!" She frowned looking at my hand as she walked closer

"No it's alright it scared me more than anything" I shrugged actually paying attention as I picked up the pot this time pouring it into the coffee mug in my other hand

"Where have you been? You were out for 2 days"

I shrugged "I'm sick I'm just starting to get over it today" I put the pot back

"Oh you caught the office bug?" I looked at her as she crossed her arms her coffee cup in one hand

I nodded "yeah but I didn't feel nearly that bad this morning so I managed to convince Mr.Styles to let me come back to work"

She smiled "yeah you sound good no congestion or anything that I can hear" she reached for the coffee pot

I leaned on the counter with my hip "ya know I didn't even get congested... I just had stomach problems"

"Mm weird" she put the pot back "the girl across from me used a whole box of tissues in one day"

I went wide eyed "ugh poor girl" I shook my head "thank god I didn't have deal with that"

Jupiter grabbed 3 sugar packets shaking them so the sugar settled at the bottoms "you sure you got the office bug?" She furrowed her eyebrows

I shrugged "that's my guess" it's true I didn't get it nearly as bad as some of the other workers but I can't think of anywhere else I could get sick from

"It just doesn't sound like it I mean Winnie was out for 4 days sick as a dog congested, fever, throwing up- the works" she ripped the packets open pouring them in her coffee still looking confused

I frowned deeply "well I dunno what else it could be, I don't think I ate anything..."

She then grabbed one of the creamers "huh" she poured some then looked at me "you were just throwing up?" She sounded determined to figure it out

I nodded shrugging "yeah just so fucking nauseous"

She put the creamer back down "are you on your period? I get nauseous on my period" she said irritatedly grabbing a coffee stirrer

"I do too like really bad, but I'm not on my period..." I furrowed my eyebrows thinking "what's today?"

She looked down at her Apple Watch "Uh 21st" she looked back up at me "why?"

"...I should be on my period" I mumbled

She shrugged "oh that happens to me all the time, 30 days my ass" she laughed taking a sip of her coffee "well there you go that's it" she smiled thinking she solved the puzzle but...

I shook my head "no I'm on the pill I'm not supposed to be late"

She froze "you think... you think you're pregnant?" She whispered

I blinked just trying process my situation "I dunno"

She shrugged "If It's not over stepping... you and Mr.Styles are horn-dogs so you could be" she said a bit timidly "they still talk about that time you got walked in on while the boss was... enjoying a break with you..." she paused "between your legs" she added like I didn't know what she meant the first time

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